VirtuEu is a Virtual Exchange programme, focusing on bringing together young people from different countries, allowing them to participate regardless of any obstacles that may prevent them from being part of such a programme. It aims to create activities in the form of a non-formal educational curriculum, to achieve the empowerment of youth towards their capacity to become more active and open to participation. These activities will highlight core European Values and provide real examples, tools, and methodologies (e.g., participation processes, bottom-up approach, etc.) of how to transport their will to positively contribute to society into real initiatives. It is foreseen to enroll in Virtual Exchanges and bring together 2500 young people from Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and European Countries, cultivating a common approach to active citizenship in the framework of a united Europe
The General Objective of the VirtuEu project can be summarized as follows: “Promoting European and universal values of democracy, peace, freedom, solidarity, and collaboration among young people in Europe and Western Balkans, strengthening their identity as active citizens and residents of Europe and providing with adequate skills that will improve their employability chances.” The project focuses on young people, who study in HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) in European and Western Balkan countries through online and offline non-formal educational activities.
Specific Objectives:
- Provide new teaching and learning approaches, within the framework of virtual education and training, to HEI’s.
- Increase engagement of youth at all levels of civic participation, and become able to embrace their role as the main driver group of social change.
- Strengthen universal and European values, promote at the same time the European way of thinking and living among citizens of Europe and Western Balkan Countries.
- Provide young people with opportunities and means to express themselves and their opinions, become active and contribute to the community.
- Ensure equal participation in multicultural extra-curriculum activities of youth regardless their demographics, social back-ground and/or any socio-economic obstacles.
- Increase capacity and collaboration among education actors (HEIs), in order to achieve their role as shapers of young people in more than one dimensions (academic, civic, societal, individual, etc).