Prof. Assoc. Dr. Belina Budini
Praktikat e komunikimit në media: Aktorë, Institucione, Kulturë
Selected publishing:
2021 Budini Belina, “Influencers; Journalists versus Politicians in Albania”, UET Press
2021 Budini Belina, (book chapter), “The Communication of Politics through Media” in “PR Today”, UET
2020 Budini Belina, “Comparative Representations of Albania in Time and The Economist Magazines”,
POLIS Journal No. 19 / 2020 ISSN: 2223-8174
2019 Budini Belina, «Journalists’ role in the interplay with local politicians/officials in Albania” in The
Albanian Studies Days on « Knowledge Society: Prognosis and Perspectives », European University
of Tirana, Albania.
2015 Budini Belina, «Repetitive Albania in Time Magazine, a Longitudinal Case Study :
1923-2013 ». Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, MCSER Publishing,
Rome-Italy. Shtator 2015. P.p. 643-653.
ISSN 2039-2117 (online) ISSN 2039-9340 (print)
2015 Budini Belina, (book- chapter), « Communist Albania in Time magazine 1944-1989 »,
« Media transformation and collective memory in Albania » IDMC (Institute for
Democracy, Media and Culture, WEST PRINT. Edited Book. ISBN 978-9928-199-90-4
2015 Budini Belina (book chapter) « First Look at Communication Theories» Textbook with McGraw-Hill
Education and The Educational Centre Albania, Albanian edition, ISBN: 978007323927(Chapter 38)
2015 Budini Belina, « Albania covered by New York Times, 1990-2013 »
Scientific Journal, POLIS, Tirana. Nr 13, Spring 2015 pp.. 85-94
Publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Education, UET,
ISSN : 2223-8174
2014 Budini Belina, « Three periods of Albania in Time Magazine 1923-2013), European University of
Tirana Press; Studies: ISBN 978-9928-190-08-6
2013 Budini Belina, «The Rise of a Celebrity-Politician in Albania»
International scientific Journal DISKUTIME, Nr 7, September 2013, pp. 101-115
Centre for International Relations and Studies of the Balkan region with Albanian Diplomatic
Academy and the Institute for European Studies at the University of Tirana, ISSN 1857-
825X. Tetovo. Macedonia
2012 Budini Belina, « The young state of Albania and Ahmet Zogu in Time magazine between 1924 and
1939», Albanian Studies Journal on History of the media and mediatization of history », Department
of Journalism and Communication, Faculty of History and Philology, University of Tirana with AAB
University, Kosovo. Vol./2012 ISSN 2305-3828
2012 Budini Belina, « Representations of the foreign media articles on the Albanian media» in Albanalogy
Studies, pp 322-331.
2011 Budini Belina, « Mediatization of politics in Albania: with what implications for political parties » in
Scientific Journal Polis, Tirana, nr 11, Autmun 2011, pp. 85-94. ISSN : 2223-8174
2009 Budini Belina, « Edi Rama, the populist-star politician » in Scientific Journal Polis, Tirana, Nr.8, pp
3-19, Winter 2009, ISSN : 2223-8174
Academic textbooks
(Translated and edited in Albanian)
2021 “PR Today”, Trevor Morris and Simon Goldsworthy, Palgrave Education
2015 «First Look at Communication Theories», McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN: 978007323927
2011 « Organizational Communication »; Papa et al. UET PRESS
Series: University Textbooks/ Social Sciences. ISBN 978-99956-39-12-9
2010 « Introduction to Political Science »: Jean-Marie Denquin , UET PRESS
Series: University Textbooks/ Social Sciences. ISBN: 978-99956-39-05-1
2009 « On Television and Journalism »: Pierre Bourdieu, Polis, Uet Press
Published in Polis 8, Winter Edition 2009. ISSN: 2223-8174
2004 « Media History »: Barbier Lavenir, (Albanian Media Institute) AMI
Series: Studies