The third cycle studies program: Doctorate in “Social and Behavior Sciences”, at the Faculty of Law, Political Science and International Relations, European University of Tirana is the reorganized program of Doctorate in “Social Sciences”, approved by Order of the Minister of Education and Sport, No.111, date 04 March 2022.
The candidate should:
- Have a degree in “Master of Science “or “Master of Arts”, or an equivalent diploma awarded in a foreign University and evaluated by the competent authorities, in a relevant field.
- Të ketë njohje të gjuhës së huaj (anglisht, frëngjisht, gjermanisht, italisht ose spanjisht) në nivelin B2, vërtetuar përmes testeve të njohura ndërkombëtare të cilat i përkasin një periudhe jo më vonë se 2 vjet nga koha e lëshimit të tyre. Nëse individi ka fituar një diplomë të një programi studimi të kryer në një nga këto gjuhë, diploma e fituar shërben si dëshmi për plotësimin e këtij kriteri.
- Have a grade point average (GPA), in the previous cycle of studies 8 and above.
- Be academic staff of the European University of Tirana, or academic staff in another Higher Education Institution, or a researcher in an institution of basic or applied research;
- Take over the fulfillment of scientific, academic, legal, and ethical standards.
- The applicant drafts a Projekt propozim proposed project in the detailed areas of the doctoral program and research project of the group leaders, preferred by him for leadership.
Detailed fields of Doctoral study program, Research Units Leaders, and projects
Narrow field | Detailed field |
ISCED Code SHKENCA SOCIALE | ISCED Code 0311 ECONOMICS (Econometrics; Economic history; Economics International economics; Macroeconomics; National accounts. Political economics) |
ISCED Code 0312 POLITICAL SCIENCES AND CIVICS . (Civics; Human rights; International relations; Peace and conflict studies; Political history; Political science; Public policy studies) | |
ISCED Code 0313 Psychology (Cognitive sciences; Development and child psychology; Psychoanalysis; Psychology; Psychotherapy) | |
For more information contact: [email protected]