enri hide

Prof. Assoc. Dr. Enri Hide

Impakti gjeopolitik rajonal i ekstremizmit të dhunshëm dhe radikalizmit fetar

Selected publishing:

  1. Hide, E. (2008) International Terrorism – Terminology and Conceptualization”, Security Issues, No. 9, Institute for Democracy and Mediation (IDM), Tirana, Albania.
  2. Hide, E. & Abazi, E (2010) “Security Sector Reform in Albania”, IfP Security Cluster by ELIAMEP, Greece & AIIS Albania.
  3. Hide, E. (2010), “National Security Strategy”, in “Reform Issues in the Security Sector in Albania”, DECAF & IDM Publications, Geneva, Switzerland.
  4. Hide, E. (2010) “Human Security in Albania” in “Reform Issues in the Security Sector in Albania”, DECAF & IDM Publications, Geneva, Switzerland.
  5. Enri Hide (2012), “International Terrorism: Between Traditional Geopolitical Challenges and New Approaches”, in the First Annual International Scientific Conference: “Global Security and Challenges in the 21st Century”, MIT University, Skpoje, Macedonia.
  6. Hide, E. (2012) “Islamic Extremism as Geopolitical Instrument: the Case of the Balkans”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences (MJSS), Vol. 5, No. 5, ISSN2039-9340/E-ISSN2039-2117 (Impact Factor 6.44 – Index Copernicus 2012).
  7. Hide, E. (2015) “Sfidat e Mëdha: Shoqëria dhe Sistemi Politik Amerikan, 1945-2008” ([eng.] “Grand Challenges: American Society and Political System, 1945-2008”), Tirana: AIIS Press (Albanian Institute for International Studies)
  8. Hide, E. (2015), Debating Religion Terrorism: A Critical Approach, International Scientific Conference “Research and Education: Challenges Towards the Future – ICRAE 2014, Shkodra, Albania: Shkodra University.
  9. Hide, E. (2015) “International Organizations and the Security Challenges of the 21st Century: the Case of NATO and International Terrorism”, in the International Scientific Conference, ICRAE2013, “Research and Education: Challenges Toward Future”, University of Shkodra, Albania.
  10. Hide, E. (2016) “Religion as a Legimitizing Instrument of Political Violence”, International Conference on Human and Social Sciences, MCSER & Faculty of Philosophy Niksic (University of Montenegro), Budva, Montenegro.
  11. Hide, E. & Xhumari, M. (2017) Development of Human Resources and Capacities to Support Scientific Research in Albania. Policy Paper, RRPP & University of Freiburg. http://www.rrpp-westernbalkans.net/en/News/Round-Table-on-Developing-Human-Resources-and-Capacities-in-Tirana/mainColumnParagraphs/0/text_files/file/ENG_Policy_brief_Forum_I_Hide_Xhumari.pdf
  12. Hide, E. (2015, May). Response Efforts and Coordination against Extremist Violence at National, Regional and Local Level. AIIS Annual Security Conference “Religious Radicalism and Extremism as a Security Threat: the Case of Albania and the Western Balkans”. Tirana, Albania
  13. Hide, E. (2016, January). Risk Assessment on National Security. Violent Extremism and Religious Radicalization in Albania. Strategic Paper, Albanian Institute for International Studies (AIIS), Tirana: Albania. Research Project Supported by the Open Society Foundation, Albania.
  14. Hide, E. Extremist Violence and Radicalism in the Western Balkans. Strategic Study Series. Center of Excellence, Albanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.