Prof. Dr. Elida Miraj
Dinamikat e planifikimit urban dhe arkitekturës nga politikat publike
Miraj, L.; Marazov, I.; Djourova, A.; Schefer, O.; Hadjimishev,I.; etc. (Naarden, the Netherlands & Bulgaria 2015) The Balkans – a shared Heritage.
Miraj, L. (Tiranë 2013) Dyrrachium in the Early Christian and Byzantine Period.
Miraj, L.; Liberati, A. M.; Pojani, I.; Sear, F.; Wilkes J. & Polci, B. ed. by Gilkes O. J. (Albania Antica IV)
(Supplementary volume no. 35. Published by the British School at Athens, 2003) The Theatre at Butrint.
Luigi Maria Ugolini’s Excavations at Butrint 1928-1932.
Miraj, L. (Tiranë 2020) ‘Epidamnos, Dyrrachion/Dyrrachium, Durrës-Greek, Roman and Byzantine Architecture’, Studime Muzeologjike 32-60.
Miraj, L. (Tiranë 2019) ‘An Archival Research Report on the Activity of the Italian Archaeological Mission in Albania (1924-1943)’, Arkivat Shqiptare1-2, Viti 55 / 2019, 139-159.
Miraj, L. (Tiranë 2019) ‘La Storia degli scavi nel Teatro di Butrinto’, Studime Muzeologjike, 53-71.
Miraj, L. (Tiranë 2016) ‘The Early Christian Chapel on the Amphitheatre of Dyrrachium’, Art & Trashëgimi, 88-89.
Miraj, L. (Tiranë 2015) ‘The Architecture of Durrës (ancient Epidamnos, Dyrrachion/Dyrrachium) to the end of IVth Century AD’, European Conference on Geo-Environment and Construction, 519-538.
Miraj, L. (Niš 2013) ‘Orpheus The evolution of the Myth in Greek, Roman, Early Christian Period and Orpheus Mosaic of Dyrrachium’, Niš and Byzantium, 87-107.
Miraj, L.; Barushi, K. & Deda, B. (Prishtina 2012) ‘Kolë Idromeno and the Neoclassical Architecture in Shkodra’, Acts of the International Conference-Architecture, Spatial Planning and Civil Engineering, 155-173.
Miraj, L. (Tiranë 2012) ‘Via Egnatia and Corridor 8-The use and abuse of a road’, Acts of the Ist Albanian Congress on Roads, 20-29.
Miraj, L. (Niš 2012) ‘Some new data on the construction date of Dyrrachium’s Byzantine walls’, Niš and Byzantium, 201-218.
Miraj, L. (Trieste 2003), ‘The Chapel in the Amphitheater of Dyrrachium and its Mosaics’, Antichità AltoAdriatiche-LIII, 245-291.
Miraj, L. & Gilkes O. J. (The British School at Athens 2003) ‘The Ugolini archive: surviving documents relating to the Italian Archaeological Mission to Albania and their location’, The Theatre at Butrint (Albania Antica IV), 45-55.
Miraj, L. (Split 2002) ‘The Earliest Coinage of Epidamnos/Dyrrachion as a Source’, Greek Influence along the East Adriatic Coast (Proceedings of the International Conference held in Split, September 24-26, 1998) 435-470.