Call for papers Jus & Justicia

Call for papers
The Faculty of Law, Political Science and International Relations of the European University of Tirana (Albania) invites you to publish research papers at the
Journal “Jus & Justicia”, No. 16 “The court system mapping. Impact to the justice reform”.
About the Journal
“Jus & Justicia” is an international double blind peer reviewed journal published twice a year by the European University of Tirana. It is committed to promoting the qualitative scientific research whilst upholding the highest academic standards. The first issue of “Jus & Justicia” was published in 2008, by the Department of Law of the European University of Tirana. Since 2008 the Journal “Jus & Justicia” has published 15 editions (ISSN: 2223-8654). “Jus & Justicia” is focused on cutting edge research in the disciplines of law, politics, international relations, and history. The journal covers post-communist European countries with a particular emphasis on the Balkans.
The 16th edition of “Jus and Justicia” will focus on the court system mapping and its impact to the justice reform. Topics may include but not limited to the following issues: courts transformation, judicial maps, democracy building, judicial reform, acces to justice, rule of law, legal and justice services, justice reform implementation, impact of justice reforms, courts distributions, decision-making process, consensual reform, legal and justice service, court performace, effectiveness and efficiency of justice reforms, digitalization of justice, international and European legal framework, cooperation, comparative law, and other relevant topics.
Submission Guidelines
The selection process of submitted research papers will be based on the following criteria: novelty, literature review and appropriate referencing, methodology, clear presentation of results, implications for research, practice and/or society, overall presentation. The author/s must submit original research papers, not published elsewhere or in pending review.
Technical criteria:
– As described in the manuscript template (attached).
– Maximum two authors per article.
– Research paper must contain Title, Abstract with keywords.
– Research paper to be written within 5000-6000 words, including footnotes.
– Full research paper submission – 16 May 2022
– Notification of acceptance – 31 May 2022
– The Journal will be published in June 2022.
Please submit your research papers to: [email protected]
For further information, do not hesitate to contact us.