Call for Papers – ECONOMICUS

Frontline: Insurance Industry – Trends and challenges
This Issue invites for theoretical, professional and empirical contributions in the field of insurance. Following the last big natural and social events in Albania, the earthquakes of 2019 and COVID-19 pandemic. It is obvious that the country’s insurance industry has been faced with huge challenges. Ranging from financial and funding capacities, trust, staff competences, to financial education and literacy of general public. These events have already impacted the insurance industry significantly. Not only in Albania but also worldwide, by re-dimensioning the vision and guidelines of the industry, as well as its approach towards product design and pricing, targeted clientele, resilient business models, and staff skills and competences.
The COVID-19 pandemic has opened new paths for the industry, in terms of technological and digital advancement in the policies, along with the overall welfare and protection of the insured. Many challenges lay before the whole industry, some of them with common grounds with the entire job market, like hybrid and teleworking, retaining talent, ensuring the proper balance between technology and the industry’s human touch, risk management, etc.
We do hope that new research and studies will bring valuable contributions towards the most recent reality and relevant perspectives for the Albanian insurance industry, as part of the reginal and European insurance market.
Contributions could focus on one or more of the following questions:
– New trends in the insurance market after the pandemics,
– Growth perspectives under the stagflation framework,
– New business models in the industry,
– New insurance products and pricing models,
– Telemedicine,
– Role of technology and new technical skills,
– Customer experience and the industry’s human touch
Deadline: 30 SEPTEMBER 2022
Mail to: [email protected]
Tag:call for paper, economicus, uet