Showing 11-20 of 684 results

Call for Papers – Jus & Justicia Vol. 18, Issue 1

10 Tetor, 2023

Call for Papers – Jus & Justicia Vol. 18, Issue 1 Contemporary Security Challenges Extended Deadlines:  – Full research paper submission – 30 Novembre 2023 Contemporary security challenges are of paramount importance in today’s interconnected world. They transcend borders and impact nations, communities, and …

Call for Papers – Economicus 22/2

13 Qershor, 2023

Call for Papers – Economicus 22/2 This Issue invites for theoretical, professional and empirical contributions in the field of Digital aspects in the field of economics, finance, management, marketing and IT, related to economy. Digitalization is becoming a ubiquitous element …

Call for Papers – Jus & Justicia Vol. 17, Issue 2

14 Prill, 2023

Democracy and free elections Extension of submission deadline _ Call for Papers at the Journal Jus &Justicia Vol. 17, Issue 2 “Democracy and free elections”. Extended Deadlines:  – Full research paper submission – 15 June 2023 Please submit your research papers to: For further information, do not hesitate to …

Call for Papers – ECONOMICUS 23

30 Janar, 2023

Frontline: Tax Amnesty – the choice between fiscal discipline and economic development This Issue invites for theoretical, professional and empirical contributions in the field of tax and penal amnesties. In Albania, governments have previously implemented some partial tax amnesties (back …