PHYSIO Solution
The E-PHYSIO project aim is to enhance the theoretical knowledge, skills and competences regarding telerehabilitation for students and teachers in participant WB HEIs. Achievement of this objective will lead to a better integration of future specialists into the labour market on actual trends and requirements. In the same time, we aim to strengthen WB partner organizations capacity to modernize their HE systems and to respond to actual challenges by implementation of telerehabilitation approaches at university organizational level. The main project results are new curricula and a Telerehabilitation online course, included into an e-learning platform; introducing innovative elements in the existing curricula for different clinical disciplines such as rehabilitation protocols and videos, development of a virtual space that will function as a telerehabilitation platform for virtual practical stages. The beneficiaries of this project will be the students enrolled in the Physiotherapy speciality (total number of 350 students) and a group of 50 academic staff, who coordinate these students.
Specific Objectives:
- To enhance theoretical knowledge, skills and competences regarding telerehabilitation for students and teachers in participating WB HEIs.
- To strengthen WB partner organizations capacity to modernize their HE systems and to respond to actual challenges on labour market by implementation of telerehabilitation approaches at university organizational level.
To strengthen partner organizations capacity to foster regional and cross regional cooperation by providing European expertise, guidelines, best practices examples and recommendations to harmonize the telerehabilitation related University curricula in the EU and R1.
VirtuEu is a Virtual Exchange programme, focusing on bringing together young people from different countries, allowing them to participate regardless of any obstacles that may prevent them from being part of such a programme. It aims to create activities in the form of a non-formal educational curriculum, to achieve the empowerment of youth towards their capacity to become more active and open to participation. These activities will highlight core European Values and provide real examples, tools, and methodologies (e.g., participation processes, bottom-up approach, etc.) of how to transport their will to positively contribute to society into real initiatives. It is foreseen to enroll in Virtual Exchanges and bring together 2500 young people from Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and European Countries, cultivating a common approach to active citizenship in the framework of a united Europe
The General Objective of the VirtuEu project can be summarized as follows: “Promoting European and universal values of democracy, peace, freedom, solidarity, and collaboration among young people in Europe and Western Balkans, strengthening their identity as active citizens and residents of Europe and providing with adequate skills that will improve their employability chances.” The project focuses on young people, who study in HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) in European and Western Balkan countries through online and offline non-formal educational activities.
Specific Objectives:
- Provide new teaching and learning approaches, within the framework of virtual education and training, to HEI’s.
- Increase engagement of youth at all levels of civic participation, and become able to embrace their role as the main driver group of social change.
- Strengthen universal and European values, promote at the same time the European way of thinking and living among citizens of Europe and Western Balkan Countries.
- Provide young people with opportunities and means to express themselves and their opinions, become active and contribute to the community.
- Ensure equal participation in multicultural extra-curriculum activities of youth regardless their demographics, social back-ground and/or any socio-economic obstacles.
- Increase capacity and collaboration among education actors (HEIs), in order to achieve their role as shapers of young people in more than one dimensions (academic, civic, societal, individual, etc).
DMDE – Design Measure in Digital Entrepreneurship
DMDE project aims to develop a new, innovative, high-level integrated transnational (Joint) Master in Digital Entrepreneurship. This master program will offer a market-oriented mindset to international students by providing skills and competences on business ideas, starting of new (e)business, understanding, and applying digital tools, developing design thinking on needs and preferences of future potential customers, etc. DMDE will combine theoretical & practical knowledge by integrating industry case studies as a unique experience in an international joint study programme.
- European University of Tirana, Albania – Coordinator
- FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Austria – Beneficiary
- Neapolis University Pafos, Cyprus – Beneficiary
Invitation to Tender “DMDE project”
UET opens the invitation to tender for: Developing a website dedicated to the project.
You can find tender documents below:
Contact person:
Ketrina Cabiri
Director Office for Project Development & Internationalization
Email: [email protected]
Project Title: Fostering Renewable energy technologies and energy Efficiency knowledge towards near Zero Energy Buildings of engineers and professionals in Western Balkan Countries – ReZEB
About the project:
The Project is cooperation between University of Castilla-La Mancha-UCLM (Coordinator, Spain), University eCampus-UEC (Italy), Neapolis University Pafos-NUP (Cyprus), four Universities in Western Balkan Countries: European University of Tirana-UET and Polis University from Albania-U_POLIS, Universum College-UC and International Business College Mitrovica-IBC-M from Kosovo, and one VET institute, the Professional College of Tirana-KPT also, from Albania.
In general, energy performance of buildings in Western Balkan Countries is lower than the required EU standards and energy production is based on fossil fuels, thus greatly contributing to air pollution. However, they have much-untapped potential for Renewable Energy use which could assure a more secure and cost-competitive national energy supply system in line with EU energy and climate vision. Tackling this burning issue requires a new type of professionals with stronger background on clean technologies and energy efficiency for achieving near zero energy buildings.
Therefore, the current content of modules and teaching methods used in partner Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) must undergo into a deep modernisation process with inputs from EU Universities and in collaboration with experts in the broad field of Engineering. Hence, the project aims at the modernisation of curricula on the application of efficient energy systems in buildings, which includes enhancing existing and application of new learning and teaching tools, methodologies and pedagogical approaches. This will involve modernisation of learning outcomes and ICT based practices. At least 25 modules will go through modernization of which at least 5 new modules created in the topic of Renewable Energy Technologies and Management and Energy Efficiency in Buildings in all 5 HEIs. Additionally, cooperation with local companies and authorities will be supported through encouraging internships of students and joint industrial and research projects.
Specific objectives:
- Familiarisation and training of academic, technical and administrative staff in partner HEIs with best practices in EU Universities regarding education on RETs and EE in Buildings.
- Modernisation of the structure, content, learning outcomes and teaching methods of selected modules at all levels related to RETs and EE in buildings and their implications.
- Improvement of Skills Development of master and PhD Students and technicians will be also supported through Specialized specific modules (modelling of energy systems, advanced energy materials…) in order to update them for meeting career requirements.
- Implementation of the modernised modules and novel ICT based teaching methods in Partner HEIs.
- Implementation of the EU-like standard quality assurance of the content of modernised modules, their teaching methods and examination procedures.
- Improving quality of education by ensuring that didactic materials and training methods in Partner HEIs satisfy EU quality assurance requirements and using distance learning technology.
- To develop high quality Project Network, including industrial companies, administrative and public bodies (decision makers) and other Universities in the Region.
- University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
- Università Telematica eCampus, Italy
- Neapolis University Pafos, Cypro
- European University of Tirana, Albania
- Professional College of Tirana, Albania
- Polis University, Albania
- Universum College, Kosovo
- International Business College Mitrovica, Kosovo
Duration: 3 years
Project Title: Culture Couture- Merging Fashion and Tradition for Sustainable Style – COUTURE
About the project:
The present project named “Culture Couture – Merging Fashion and Tradition for Sustainable Style” (COUTURE) is a process of apprenticeship and collaboration on creating skills and capacities concerning the application of traditional arts (weaving, embroidery, knitting) in fashion design. Aiming to sustainable growth of fashion and creation of new jobs through education and training, this project will elaborate in the following aspect: application of Balkans’ traditional arts in modern fashion art based on creativity, design and ‘exploitation of culture”. In the partnership, universities from four countries, West Balkans (Kosovo, Albania) and an EU partner, Greece and a third country associated to the program, North Macedonia, will cooperate to jointly implement the innovative practice based on evidence. The project is partially based on the results of a previous Erasmus+ project concerning the revival of weaving and its connection to vocational training, to which two of the partners had participated. The project proposal COUTURE targets the overarching priority of the European Commission for Sustainable growth and jobs (build skills for life and work) by building capacities among the newcomers from the Western Balkan to re- invent the traditional techniques and methodologies at the Fashion Departments. The new modules introduced at participating HEIs from the Western Balkan will increase the employability of graduates by providing them unique skills that easily find application in the job market.
In the context of the project will be produced modules based on relevant literature and digital sources referring to traditional arts (weaving, embroidery, knitting) and their connection to fashion design. Also, there will take place a training programme on the application of traditional arts in fashion design addressing to students in fashion design. The training programme will be divided in two sections, one theoretical, based on the modules, and one practical. Moreover, a web platform will be created where all the produced material and information about the project will be uploaded.
Specific objectives:
The main purpose of this project is to foster sustainable growth of fashion and creation of new jobs through education and training, through the creation of new modules as a result of the facilitation and the transfer of knowledge and practical experience, skills and good practices that promote capacity building opportunities and improve social inclusion and access to labour market.
Specific objective that the project aims through the planned activities are:
- Improve the quality of higher education in third countries not associated with the programme and enhance its relevance for the labour market and society.
- Improve the level of competences, skills and employability potential of students in HEIs in the third countries not associated with the programme by developing new and innovative education programmes.
- Promote inclusive education, equality, equity, non-discrimination and the promotion of civic- competences in higher education in the third countries not associated with the programme.
- Improve the training of teachers and continuous professional development in order to impact the longer term quality of the education system in the third countries not associated with the programme
- University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali” – Coordinator, Albania
- European University of Tirana, Albania
- Professional College, Tirana, Albania
- AAB College, Kosovo
- College “Biznesi”, Kosovo
- Palacky University Olomouc
- University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
- University of Nis
Duration: 2 years
Project title: Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans’ Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) – COWEB
About the project
COWEB (Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions) aims to build capacities in the Western Balkans (WB) Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for international virtual collaborative learning (VCL) as an innovative pedagogical approach in teaching and learning, with a focus on co -creating virtual/blended learning spaces and course content that will boost 21st century skills and competencies for students and address the low cross-border collaboration among HEIs and students in the WB region.
The general objective of COWEB (Promoting and Facilitating Collaborative Virtual International Learning in the Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions) is to build capacities in the Western Balkans Higher Education Institutions for international virtual collaboration as an innovative pedagogy in teaching and learning, with a focus on co -creating virtual/blended learning spaces and course content that will boost 21st century skills and competencies and address the low cross-border collaboration among young students in the Western Balkans region. The virtual exchange activities planned in the framework of this project will further improve the digital culture among academic staff and students of the region. The outcomes of COWEB will have a significant and long-term impact on the targeted HEIs beyond the projects’ lifetime and as such benefit the society in general.
Specific objectives:
- Improving the quality of higher education in third countries not associated to the program and enhance its relevance for the labor market and society.
- Improving the level of competences, skills, and employability potential of students in HEIs in the third countries not associated to the program by implementing new and innovative pedagogical approaches to the education programs.
- Stimulating cooperation of institutions, capacity building and exchange of good practice between
project partners.
- Epoka University – coordinator, Albania
- Technical University of Dresden, Germany
- International School for Social and Business Studies, Slovenia
- University of Salento, Italy
- European University of Tirana, Albania
- University of Business and Technology, Kosovo
- Business College, Kosovo
- International Burch University, Bosna and Herzegovina
- University of East Sarajevo, Bosna and Herzegovina
- University of Montenegro, Montenegro
Duration: 3 years
Overall budget: 668,610.00 Euros
Project Title: Green Innovation Living Labs for Regional Entrepreneurial Cooperation – GREENWB
About the project
This project is unique in that it has a regional focus, reinforcing collaboration links between countries at similar economic and social development stages. The creation of the Sustainable Living Labs is completely a new idea for almost all universities. The main goal of this project is support green innovation and entrepreneurial skills of students in higher education, by developing the PCUs’ entrepreneurial and innovation capacities through Living Labs, as well as enhancing their cooperation with enterprises, giving them the central role in the regional innovation ecosystem.
The project is in line with the objective calls:
- Support for the set-up and functioning of living labs within higher education institutions, in close cooperation with the entrepreneurial sector and other relevant actors, to support innovative learning and teaching and help student entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into businesses; and
- Support for learning and teaching partnerships with commercial and non-commercial organisations in the private sector that foster students’ exposure to innovation and entrepreneurship.
Specific objectives of the project that address the below needs and challenges are:
- Analyze and understand the knowledge transfer, innovation and green entrepreneurial infrastructure and activities in 5 PCUs in the national ecosystem.
- Set up 5 Sustainable Living Labs (one per PCU) that will serve as a one-stop-shop for cooperation with enterprises and support for students and academic staff for producing (green) entrepreneurial project ideas.
- Develop capacities of Living Labs Officers and their services and instrument
- Increase knowledge transfer and joint activities between PCUs and local enterprises through the Sustainable Living Lab
- (Self)Employability through practical placement and practice oriented disciplinary training covering selected EntreCompFramework’s competence
- Train the academic staff of PCUs (and members of Chambers involved) on green entrepreneurial education to encourage them to include (green) entrepreneurship in their teaching as we
- University of Tirana – Coordinator, Albania
- European university of Tirana, Albania
- Epoka University, Albania
- Durres Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Albania
- University of Peja ‘Haxhi Zeka’, Kosovo
- University of Gjilan Kadri Zeka’, Kosovo
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Kosovo
- FH Joanneum University, Austria
- University of Vaasa, Finland
- Cyril and Methodius University, North Macedonia
Project duration: 3 years
Overall budget: 785.723 Euro
Project Title: Mobility recognition for integration – MORIN
About the project:
MORIN – Mobility Recognition for Integration, a strand 1 CBHE multi-country project, addresses ‘Integration of migrants’ as a regional overarching priority by focusing on academic recognition of student mobility based on learning outcomes as an innovative pedagogical approach, both necessary and pertinent, for linking work with education, by ensuring curriculum transparency, comparability, flexibility for improving recognition and study transfer procedures, revising course contents, methodologies and assessment to provide for student-centred and skills-oriented learning that adds an international, global dimension to the curriculum, thus, enhancing collaboration among WB6 HEIs for student exchange and intra-regional employability and connectivity.
The project follows these interconnected paths of action: developing documents and tools to establish a common regional approach to academic recognition, internationalizing the curriculum via global learning outcomes and embedded mobility, establishing institutional procedures for the recognition of credit mobility by adopting a learning outcomes model for enhancing transparency, quality teaching and learning for futureproof skills, and mobility and credential completion through credit transfer.
Specific objectives:
To work towards the achievement of the project’s main goal, i.e. building WB 3rd country not associated
to the programme HEIs’ capacities for academic recognition via LOs as an innovative pedagogical approach, both necessary and pertinent, for linking work with education, by ensuring curriculum transparency, comparability, flexibility for improving recognition and study transfer procedures, revising course contents, methodologies and assessment to provide for student-centred and skills-oriented learning that adds an international, global dimension to the curriculum, thus, enhancing collaboration among WB6 HEIs for student exchange and intra-regional employability and connectivity, the project is designed in coherence with the specific objectives which second the project’s main objective:
- To introduce and implement learner-centred and skills-oriented recognition of mobility as an
innovative pedagogical approach that relies on LOs as the most important factor for prioritising
skills and valuing diversity to enable comparability of study programmes for improved automatic
recognition of study periods abroad and access to intra-regional connectivity.
- To harmonise and systematise recognition practices institution-wide for prompt and transparent
full recognition and increased student mobility flows in the region.
- To develop a self-assessment methodology for external recognition of mobility and its impact on
the student’s life and career, quality of study programmes, regional cooperation and integration
and international outreach on the whole.
- University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali” – Coordinator, Albania
- European University of Tirana, Albania
- Professional College, Tirana, Albania
- AAB College, Kosovo
- College “Biznesi”, Kosovo
- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
- University St Kliment Ohridski Bitola, North Macedonia
Duration: 2 years
Overall budget: 400.000 Euro
Curricula innovation in climate-smart urban development based on green and energy efficiency with the non-academic sector (SmartWB)
Project: 101081724 — SmartWB — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE
About the project
In this unprecedented era of increasing urbanization and the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and other global development agreements and frameworks, cities should be well-planned and well-managed. Therefore, climate-smart urbanization can be a powerful tool for sustainable development in developing countries.
The broader objective of the SmartWB project is to improve the quality of higher education in the climate-smart urban development (CSUD) field, strengthen its relevance for the labour market and society, enhance relations between HEIs in WB partner countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro) and the economic and social environment by establishing a technological platform for cooperation, exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices, modernising universities’ courses in line with EU trends and improving the level of competencies and skills of teaching staff. This broader objective fully complies with the priorities of the Capacity Building projects within the Erasmus+ program, i.e., Green Deal.
Wider objective
Wider objectiveIt is improving the quality of higher education in the climate-smart urban development (CSUD) field, strengthening its relevance for the labor market and society, enhancing relations between HEIs in WB partner countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro) and the economic and social environment by establishing a technological platform for cooperation, exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices, modernising universities’ courses in line with EU trends and improving the level of competencies and skills of teaching staff.
Specific objectives
- To initiate WB community engagement enhancement by promoting emission reduction approaches and low-carbon technologies.
- To implement an interactive web-based platform to share knowledge and know-how practical examples among project partners and stakeholders.
- To improve the competencies and skills of teaching staff in WB HEIs by acquiring best-practice examples and innovations.
- To modernize university courses in the climate-smart urban development field in collaboration with the industry sector in line with the Bologna requirements.
- To create technological preconditions for WB HEIs by procuring up-to-date equipment
Type of action: ERASMUS Jean Monnet Center of Excellence (ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH)
Co-funded by: Erasmus+ Programe of the European Union
Project title: EUFutur – [Enhancing EU Integration process literacy among university students in Western Balkans]
About the project
Through its planned activities these projects aim to promote active EU citizenship and values among various population groups in all the countries involved. This will be done through gathering information, exchanging practices, building knowledge, and promoting the European integration process through the academic debate, research papers and publications as well as the conferences, seminars, workshops, etc., where will be involved both academics, decision makers and students. It will, nevertheless, target the young generation, particularly undergraduate and graduate students.
Specific objectives
- Promote excellence in teaching and research, in the field of European Studies, issues, and practices.
- Expand knowledge about the EU and its respective policies, standards, convergence criteria, etc. Given the current revision of EU convergence criteria, this knowledge needs to be conveyed to the public and key stakeholders involved in the EU integration and access process in Albania.
- Promote and establish a dialogue between academia and other stakeholders, focusing mainly on students in higher education institutions not normally dealing with EU issues.
- Review, update and complement current curricula on EU policies, market, institutions, as well as the EU integration process.
The main results are the impact on academic curricula and research agendas that focus on EU studies in a variety of ways. They are expected to foster the development of existing capacities for quality scholarly and public activities at the universities involved in this project on matters related to the European Union, as well as create new avenues and forums for searching, teaching, debating, and sharing views, research methodologies and experiences in the area of EU studies. Just as importantly, they are expected to have an important effect on the public and especially younger generation’s perception about the European Union and EU policies, institutions, and EU.
Duration: 3 years
Project Coordinator: European University of Tirana – UET
Budget: 93,000 EUR
Project Collaborators:
- Istituto per l’Europa Centro Orientale e Balcanica, Bologna, Italy
- Sarajevo School of Science and Technology – Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Mother Teresa University – North Macedonia
- Universum College – Kosovo
Action type: ERASMUS Jean Monnet Chair (ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH)
Co-funded by: Erasmus+ Programe of the European Union
Project title: JM Chair – FinanciAL )EUFrom the Savings to the Status: Paving the financial capacities in Albania toward the EU Integration)
About the project
The overall aim of the Chair is to develop academic curricula, research and professional expertise and knowledge on EU Integration and financial issues with emphasis on the monetary policy, markets, and banking system amongst students of European Union studies and beyond, academics, professionals in the finance and banking sector, enterprises and government institutions. The project also targets the EU diplomats that reside in Albania (European Delegation in Albania) as a bridge between the country and EU institutions.
Specific objectives
1.To align and significantly improve the quality existing curriculum in EU integration, monetary policy and international finance for MA and PhD programs at the European University of Tirana, as a model to be followed by other HEIs in Albania and beyond; The project will contribute to enhancing knowledge of students in the working of monetary policy in the EU area and implications for the countries in the association process, such as Albania.
- To foster research and critical analysis in the field of EU and monetary policy among students, young and senior scholars so as to prepare academic studies that have the potential to inform policy-making in Albania in lieu of the EU accession Research will motivate academics and PhD students to deepen their knowledge on the pros and cons of EU enlargement when it comes to financial markets, banks, money and the savings of a country.
- To enhance knowledge, reflection, and professional capacities among Albanian stakeholders (central/local government, financial and bank system, NGO).
During the life of the project the Chair will deliver a total of 340 hours of teaching, diversified between different disciplines, three levels of studies as well as compulsory/optional modules. This approach allows for interdisciplinary discussions and analysis in the course. The project implementation will start by building the curricula of the course to be offered and the syllabus which will specify the exact content of the lecture. This process will take one month from the approval date of the project.
Duration: 3 years
Project Coordinator: UET
Budget: 50,000 EUR
‘Internationalization at Home: Embedding Approaches and Structures to Foster Internationalization at Western Balkans – INTERBA , 2019-2022.
Internationalization of HEIs in the Balkan region so far has given a significant effect in modernizing the curriculum and exposure to different teaching and learning methodologies providing a better understanding on the role of education in XXI century. However, because the number of students and staff involved in these projects was limited, the impact has been asymmetric where some departments have reaped the benefits of these projects more than others. Thus, approaching internationalization on a more holistic way, by embedding and strengthening “internationalization at home”, is vital. The aim of the project is to strengthen international, intercultural and global dimension via Internalization at Home (IaH) implementation at partner HEIs in order to enhance the quality of education and to make a meaningful contribution to the society
The objectives of the project include:
- to formulate a coherent and detailed IaH concept that could be mainstreamed into the partner HEIs Roadmaps following on from their specific exigencies.
- to level up the scope and viability of IaH activities implemented in partner HEIs.
- to train expert pool capable of developing and integrating IaH into HEI environment.
- to launch an online platform as a tool for IaH implementation.
- to establish/modernize the existing structure/entities responsible for IaH at HEIs.
The project does not start from the scratch, but it tries to build upon the existing initiatives. During the first year the project tries to conduct an analysis of all previous international projects implemented in each country within the field of internationalization. This will not only produce an overview of mechanisms used to boost internationalization but will also provide a gap analysis which opens the gate to further and systematic improvement. This will allow to formulate a coherent and unified concept of IaH in all countries which will facilitate the understanding and application of the concept in practical terms. An online platform will be launched for all partners to support the e-learning process, to monitor the training and translation of documents.
1. University of Tirana, Albania
2. Middlesex University, United Kingdom
3. Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
4. University of Cagliari, Italy
5. European Centre of Studies and Initiatives, Italy
6. European University of Tirana (UET), Albania
7. Universum College, Kosovo
8. University of Prishtina, Kosovo
9. University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
10. Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Contact Person
Dr. Ketrina Çabiri Mijo
Invitation to tender “Interba” Project
UET Center open the invitation to tender for: Developing a website dedicated to the project.
You can find tender documents:
1) ToR WebSite (click here)
2) WorkPlan Methodology Expert (click here)
3) Financial offer (click here)
Invitation to tender “Interba” Project
UET Center open the invitation to tender for: Creation of Moodle based structures for the delivery of e-learning
You can find tender documents:
1) ToR WebSite (Click Here)
2) WorkPlan Methodology Expert (Click Here)
3) Financial offer (Click Here)
Erasmus + CBHE Project ‘Reconnecting universities and enterprises to unleash regional innovation and entrepreneurial activity – KnowHub’ 2019-2022, co-funded by the European Union.
This project is based on the concept proven by the implementation of the TEMPUS project: “Knowledge Transfer Unit – From Applied Research and Technology-Entrepreneurial Know-How Exchange to Development of Interdisciplinary Curricula Modules” (KTU). This project aims at development of sustainable relationship between universities and economy in Western Balkan Countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro). The wider objective of this project is to strengthen the Partner Country Universities (PCUs) in a way that will allow them to fulfill their central role as innovators in their national economies and to become a respected partner of the enterprises.
This project has two key objectives:
- To establish and equip in the first half of the project implementation 6 Commercialization Hubs at all PCUs that will serve both as technology transfer units and sources of inputs for the development of the interdisciplinary curricula modules
- Modernization and development of the curricula through the modification of the existing/ development of new practice-oriented modules and their implementation at the PCUs in the second half of the project, as a result of the Hubs’ activity.
Partners in the consortium:
- University of Mostar
‘Quality development of international cooperation and project management – QUADIC, 2019-2022.
The overall goal of this project is to improve higher education provision in Kosovo and in Albania by building institutional capacity for international relations whereby establishing or making fully functional respective offices (including capacity for project cycle management) in all eight Kosovo and five Albanian consortium members. This project will build institutional capacity for the internationalization of higher education in Kosovo and Albania and will improve capacity for project development and management through international expertise made available by European higher education institutions partnering in this project and exchange of good practices between the consortium members. This will make way for local higher education institutions to engage confidently in various academic and research cooperation initiatives in the region, in Europe and wider. The project is going
to change the way of work within partner universities, as it will improve and increase the capacities of the professors, assistants, administration and students, in order to reach the level of the European Universities. In that way the new experiences that will be gained during the study visits and workshops in European universities will be used in the local level both in Kosovo and Albania. This way the entire project will support the study flow within HEI in Kosovo and Albania, in that way that will improve the quality in education, increasing mobility of professors, assistants, administration and mainly students, by making new curricula of programs, which will be held in English language, by increasing the incoming mobility, etc.
The project is comprised of the following specific objectives:
- Establish and strength existing ones thirteen (13) fully functional International Cooperation Offices in all Kosovo and Albania Consortium members and develop the ICO in the two regional Consortium Members (Kosovo and Albania).
- Develop capacities of partner HEIS in International Cooperation development and project cycle management.
- Develop a strategy for International Cooperation (IC) and Project Management (PM).
- Facilitate management of international mobilities by developing operational online platform for qualitative international cooperation
- Increase the number of international projects, mobilities and international agreements, etc.
Project website:
Partners in the project:
1. University “Kadri Zeka” Gjilan
2. International Business College, Mitrovica
3. University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”
4. University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren
5. University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”
6. University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
7. Technical University of Sofia
8. University of Medicine in Tirana
9. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
10. Kolegji Heimerer, Pristina
11. University “Haxhi Zeka” Peje
12. University “Aleksander Mojsiu” in Durres
13. University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini”
14. European University of Tirana
15. University of Business and Technology
16. University “Fan S. Noli”, Korçe
17. University “Eçrem Çabje”, Gjirokaster
18. Universita per Stranieri di Perugia
Contact Person: Dr. Ketrina Çabiri Mijo
Project website:
“Engineering curricula modernization in renewable energy in Albanian Universities – ENGINE”
Ref. No. 619338-EPP-1-2020-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
15 November 2020 – 15 November 2023
The main aim of this project is to ensure the development of modern and up-to-date RES-related and other Engineering curricula in targeted HEIs in Albania, by introducing innovative aspects that are aligned with recent developments in the area, as well as with labor market demands.
For this purpose, the following project components have been envisaged:
- The conduction of an analysis of educational needs in fields pertaining to Engineering and Renewable Energies;
- The development of syllabi and course content in VET and BA programmes that are in accordance with market needs;
- The introduction of new e-learning courses with the purpose of innovating the curricula in PC HEIs;
- The establishment of a knowledge-sharing platform between Albanian HEIs and other Program and Partner Institutions;
- The innovation of lab equipment and the piloting of joint modules/courses.
Project Partners
P1. Polytechnic University of Tirana [UPT] – Albania;
P2. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven [KU Leuven] – Belgium;
P3. Technical University of Sofia [TUS] – Bulgaria;
P4. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [NKUA] – Greece;
P5. “Kadir Has” University [KHAS] – Turkey;
P6. European University of Tirana [UET] – Albania;
P7. “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës [UAMD] – Albania;
P8. Professional College of Tirana [KPT] – Albania;
P9. “Albenecon” – Albania;
P10. Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education [ASCAL] – Albania;
P11. Creative Thinking Development [CTD] – Greece.
Contact Person:
Dr. Ketrina Çabiri Mijo
Email: [email protected]
Erasmus + CBHE Project “Knowledge Triangle for a Low-Carbon Economy – KALCEA”
Ref. No. 618109-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
15 November 2020 – 14 November 2023
Project KALCEA revolves around the creation of a consortium of partner organizations, institutions and Industry Sector representatives that shall mediate the implementation of the principles of the Knowledge Triangle (KT) – education, research and innovation – in their respective domains.
Its main aim is to create a systematic and structural approach for the efficient implementation of the principles mentioned above, and by doing so, creating an institutional framework that integrates education, research and innovation in its core functions.
In this context, the following objectives have been foreseen:
- Introducing KT principles;
- Developing a structured cooperation between HEIs, the Industry Sector and research institutions;
- Creating the “Smart Platform”;
- Introducing “Living Labs/Learning Factories”;
- Establishing Knowledge Innovation Centers (KICs) that funnel innovativeness in the research cooperation process;
- Developing vocational courses in Sustainable Energy (SE).
Project Partners
P1. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [NKUA] – Greece;
P2. Vienna University of Technology [TUW] – Austria;
P3. Riga Technical University [RTU] – Latvia;
P4. University of Novi Sad [UNS] – Serbia;
P5. Creative Thinking Development [CTD] – Greece;
P6. University of East Sarajevo [UES] – Bosnia and Herzegovina;
P7. International BURCH University [IBU] – Bosnia and Herzegovina;
P8. “Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar [UNMO] – Bosnia and Herzegovina;
P9. “Albenecon” – Albania;
P10. University of Pristina – Mitrovica [UPKM] – Kosovo;
P11. “Universum” College [UC] – Kosovo;
P12. European University of Tirana [EUT] – Albania;
P13. Polytechnic University of Tirana [PUT] – Albania;
P14. “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës [UAMD] – Albania;
P15. IRCE East Sarajevo [IRCE] – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Contact Person:
Dr. Ketrina Çabiri Mijo
Email: [email protected]
Project name: Vocational Innovation Renewing Tourism Advanced Learning (V.I.R.T.U.A.L)
- ARTES (Italy)
- Association of citizens CEFE Macedonia Skopje – CEFE (Macedonia)
- European University of Tirana – UET (Albania)
- Professional College of Tirana – KPT (Albania)
- UBT – Higher Education Institution – UBT (Kosovo)
Goal: The work program of V.I.R.TU.AL. will be specifically implemented with reference to VET institutes engaged in tourism industry in response to the need to guarantee, even in an era of social distancing and a severe crisis in the tourism sector, the realization of practical activities typical of dual systems.
Specific objectives:
- To develop teaching methodologies availing of technology and/or ICT tools and develop teacher’s ability and incorporation of Digital Technologies in teaching
- To increase the level of understanding and reduce the grasping time and the effort that students need to learn information by using 3D concepts instead of 2D ones and offer a better earning experience by AR/VR techniques
- Foster cooperation between VET and tourism industry by organizing conjoint sessions to co-design digital didactics materials
- To improve the level of competences, skills and employability potential of VET learners through new and innovative VET educational programs, in particular by applying innovative technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality in the VET institutions involved (AR) and simulators to facilitate the delivery of practical learning but also to improve the effectiveness of face-to-face and online teaching in long-term VET (Education 4.0)
- To establishing bridges of collaboration between training and tourism industry as means to ensure the proper usage of Education 4.0 at Western Balkan VETs
- To integrate the contribution of entrepreneurs (business associations, individual companies, etc.) in the production of innovative teaching materials capable of guaranteeing the practical approach required in VET as well as in study programs;
- WP1 Project management and coordination
- WP2 Analysis of dual programmes and business needs
- WP3 Interactive augmented and virtual reality didactic toolkit
- WP4 Development of Innovative VET Curricula and Courses
- WP5 Dissemination and Exploitation
Activities WP2: (Leader: UET)
- 1 Design of methodology and tools to map dual training systems – VET tourism mapping Dual training paths mapping tools
- 2 Realization of dual systems mapping and comparative analysis – Dual training paths in VET Map for tourism and catering
- 3 Construction of tools for detecting professional needs – Skills catalogue in tourism and restaurant sectors
- 4 Assessment of future skills needed and anticipation of skills shortage – Report on tasks to be developed to improve skills and professional figures through VET
- 5 Realization of the matching report between professional needs identified and dual systems mapped
Duration of the Project: 2 years
STEFORA’s is structured around three wide/general project objectives:
(1) digital citizenship focusing on mitigating institutional barriers, (2) apply universal design principles in formal and non-formal learning activities including premises, (3) adopt norm critical approaches to raise cultural awareness and foster gender sensitive education in the target countries specific to STEM engagement for women. The main aim of this Erasmus collaboration is to receive professional support from Linnaeus University and University of Maynooth Ireland to improve HEIs institutional and cadre capacities in deploying STEM curricula with proven contemporary strategies, to learn and deploy EU good practices to increase women’s awareness, interest, enrollment, and retention, to increase diversity, inclusivity and respect for all through the integration of the principles of universal design in teaching.Partners:
- RIT KOSOVO (A.U.K) college, Kosovo (coordinator)
- LINNEUNIVERSITETET, Sweden (partner)
- UNIVERSITETI POLIS SHPK, Albania (partner)
- UET, Albania (partner)
Contact person:
Ines Troshani – Project ManagerEmail: [email protected] Project website: Stefora Project
WEBJOU – Western Balkan Higher Educational Courses in Data Journalism
Data journalism and more generally, data-based communication represents a rapidly growing experience in higher educational courses and in professional training in European countries, since the media and news systems are more and more appreciating the use of data, in a systematic and scientific way, in the production of journalistic and communication content.
WEBJOU project aims to promote knowledge exchange and multidisciplinary teaching and learning innovation in the Western Balkan reality, for what concerns providing all knowledge and skills, from fields such as data science, statistics, visualization, and communication, necessary to fruitfully operate in the data journalism and data communication frameworks.
- UET, Albania (partner)
- Mesdheu Education shpk (partner)
- RIT Kosovo (A.U.K) College (partner)
Contact person:
Ines Troshani – Project Manager
Email: [email protected]
- All
- Business and Entrepreneurship
- Capacity Building
- Culture and Creativity
- Digital Transformation
- Green Transition
- Health
- Improving the Quality of Life of Vulnerable Groups
- Innovation in Education
- Jean Monnet
- Research Projects
- Sport
- Upskilling & Re-skilling of Human Resources
- Virtual Exchange














The Social Bases of Voting in Albania: The Impact of Structural Social Factors and Political Fractures on the Determination of the Albanian Electorate’s Vote (Prof.Asoc.Dr Gerti Sqapi )

Designing the Tourism Offer Based on a Sustainable Development Perspective (Case Study: Durres and Vlora Regions) (Prof.Dr.Ermira Qosja)

Viral Infections in Post-Renal Transplant Patients (Dr.Elvana Rista)

Green and Soft Digital Skills for Sustainable Tourism: An Assessment of Current and Future Levels (Prof.Dr. Drita Kruja )

Regulation of the Media Environment in the Digital Age: Research on Innovative Instruments and Practices in Line with EU Standards (Prof.Assoc.Dr. Belina Budini)

Assessment of Knowledge and Behaviors Regarding Sexual Health Among Albanian University Students – A National Study (Dr.Lumturi Mërkuri)

Academic Entrepreneurship in Albanian Universities: Reality or Vision of the Future? (Prof.Assoc.Dr.Ketrina Mijo)
























E-Physio (Physio Solution)







DMDE – Design Measure in Digital Entrepreneurship