- Capacity Building, Innovation in Education

QUADIC- Quality development of international cooperation and project management
Funding Programme
Erasmus + CBHE
Project Number
Overall Budget
914,381 Eur
Albania, Kosovo, Italy, Slovenia, Bulgaria, France
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The overall goal of this project is to improve higher education provision in Kosovo and Albania by building institutional capacity for international relations whereby establishing or making fully functional respective offices (including capacity for project cycle management) in all eight Kosovo and five Albanian consortium members. This project will build institutional capacity for the internationalization of higher education in Kosovo and Albania and will improve capacity for project development and management through international expertise made available by European higher education institutions partnering in this project and exchange of good practices between the consortium members. This will make way for local higher education institutions to engage confidently in various academic and research cooperation initiatives in the region, in Europe, and wider. The project is going to change the way of work within partner universities, as it will improve and increase the capacities of the professors, assistants, administration, and students, to reach the level of the European Universities. In that way, the new experiences that will be gained during the study visits and workshops in European universities will be used at the local level both in Kosovo and Albania. This way the entire project will support the study flow within HEI in Kosovo and Albania, in that way that will improve the quality of education, increasing mobility of professors, assistants, administration, and mainly students, by making new curricula of programs, which will be held in English language, by increasing the incoming mobility.
Objectives of the project
- Establish and strengthen existing thirteen (13) fully functional International Cooperation Offices in all Kosovo and Albania Consortium members and develop the ICO in the two regional Consortium Members (Kosovo and Albania).
- Develop capacities of partner HEIS in International Cooperation development and project cycle management.
- Develop a strategy for International Cooperation (IC) and Project Management (PM).
- Facilitate management of international mobilities by developing an operational online platform for qualitative international cooperation
- Increase the number of international projects, mobilities, and international agreements.
Expected Results and Outcomes
- Established /functionalized IR/PM centers
- Establish strategy for IC and PM
- Build the online platform for IC and PM
- Establishment of the network or association for project management – RECO
Project Activities
- Development of the International Relation and project cycle strategy
- Establish /functionalization support the IRC/PMC structures
- Trainings needs analysis of IR/PM Centers
- Job descriptions for the IRC/PMC officers
- Trainings for staff
Project Partners
- University “Kadri Zeka” Gjilan
- International Business College, Mitrovica
- University of Gjakova “Fehmi Agani”
- University “Ukshin Hoti” Prizren
- University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”
- University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
- Technical University of Sofia
- University of Medicine in Tirana
- University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty
- Kolegji Heimerer, Pristina
- University “Haxhi Zeka” Peje
- University “Aleksander Mojsiu” in Durres
- University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini”
- European University of Tirana
- University of Business and Technology
- University “Fan S. Noli”, Korçe
- University “Eçrem Çabje”, Gjirokaster
- Universita per Stranieri di Perugia