Departamenti i Financës dhe Ekonomiksit
Konkurrenca dhe struktura e tregut: Sa kompetitive janë bërë tregjet vendase
Domosdoshmëria dhe ndërgjegjësimi për rolin e veprimit të një konkurrence të shëndoshë në sistemin bankar / Menaxhimi i risqeve
- Bozdo, A. & Koka, M. Cuci, L. (2013) “The impact of the Interest Rate Policy on the Albanian Economic Growth” , “Romanian Economic and Business Review” Editor Bogdan Glavan ISSN 14842-2497
- Bozdo, A. & Koka, M. (2014) “Il sistema Bancario di fronte ai problemi economici” “Europian Center of Sustainable Development, Romë ISSN 2239-5838
- Bozdo, A. & Kripa, E. (2015) “ Macro-economic factor impact on nonperforming loans” Sapienca University Roma, 2281-3993 (on line)
- Bozdo, A. & Mosko, A. (2016) “Effect of Bank capital Requirements on bank risk-taking and financial stability” Mediterranesn Journal of Social Sciences” Mediterranean Center of Social and Education Reserches, Rome, 7, No. 1, January 2016 ISSN 2039-2117
- Bozdo, A. & Lama, V. (2015) ”Përputhshmëria e dy instrumentave vlerësues të empatisë tek studentët e UET” “Revista Education”
- Bozdo, A. & Mosko, A. (2015) “Albanian banking system: Risk behavior, bank capital and their mutual relationship with cost efficiency” Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 4, No. 3, November 2015
- Bozdo, A. (2015) “ Menaxhimi i riskut të luhatjeve të kursit të këmbimit në shoqëritë tregtare shqiptare”, Universiteti Luigj Gurakuqi, Shkodër 7-8 Nëntor 2015
- Bozdo, A. (2014) “Për një menaxhim më të mirë të cash-it në Bankat tregtare”, “Revista Shqiptare Social –Ekonomike” Nr.1 Pro. (78) 2014
- Bozdo, A. & Ndoka, S. (2016) Analysis of interest rate impact on the profitability level of the banking system in Albania during the period 2005-2014” ICSER, Turkey
- Bozdo, A. (2018) “Roli i kredisë në zhvillimin e ekonomisë dhe biznesit shqiptar” fq 257 -260, E- ISSN 2337-0521 ISSN 1800-9794 COBISS.CG-ID 20586256 Shtëpia botuese Instituti për kërkime shkencore dhe zhvillim -Ulqin, Montenegro 06.04.2018

- Meka, E. (2021) Private Equity Funds/Venture Capital – A New Role and Opportunity in the Albanian Economy and Financial Market, European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol. 7 No. 1, ISSN 2411-958X (Print), ISSN 2411-4138 (Online), pp.17-27.
- Meka, E., & Muceku, H. (2019). The Efficiency of Fiscal System from the Albanian Taxpayers’ Viewpoint, ECONOMICUS 18 Tiranë, p.4-16.
- Pere, E., & Meka, E. (2017). Valuation of Factors that Affect Employment in the Albania Banking System: An Analysis Based on Design of Experiment (DOE) Method, ECONOMICUS 15 Tiranë.
- Shehu, E., & Meka, E. (2015). NPLs – The Solution Recipe for Albania, European Journal of Economics and Business Studies (Volume 3, No. 1), ISSN 2411-9571 (Print) ISSN 2411-4073 (online), pp.48-57.
- Musta, E., & Meka, E. (2015) Lack of Credit in Albania; Who is to “Blame” Analyzing the Demand, European Journal of Economics and Business Studies, (Volume 3, No. 1), ISSN 2411-9571 (Print) ISSN 2411-4073 (online), pp.122-132.
- Bello, H., & Meka, E. (2014) Auditing of corporate social responsibility (case study – albanian banking sector), Journal of Academic Research in Economics, Vol.6, No.1, ISSN 066-0855, pp. 150-167.
- Meka, E., & Baholli, I. (2013) Corporate Bonds – The New Frontier for Corporates in Albania, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol.2, No.8, ISSN 2281-3993 (print) ISSN 2281-4612 (online), Universita’ “La Sapienza”, pp. 19-25.
- ‘”University to Society Innomediaries in Albania: Co-Production of knowledge and research that matters” / USIA“ 2020-2022, Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education Project.
- ‘Developing Research and Innovation Capacities in Albania and Kosovo’ (DRIVE) Project of the Programme Erasmus+, Capacity Building in Higher Education

- Muceku, H. (June 2021). Public Audit – Managerial accountability as an objective. Monography, UET PRESS. Click here for the link to publication
- Muceku, H., Bello, K., (July 7, 2021), Functioning of Public Internal Audit in Albania, published by WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.99. E-ISSN: 2224-2899, Volume 18, 2021, pg. 1047-1056.
- Muceku, H. (2021). Audited financial statements increase the certainty and efficiency of decisions made by organizations. Scientifc Journal Economicus, UET PRESS, no. 20. Click here for the link to publication
- Muceku, H., & Balliu, T. (2017). The Albanian Taxpayers’ Perception of Current Tax System and its Impact on Informal Ecinomy, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance. Mediterranean of Social Sciences, Vol 8 No 1 / Januaruy 2017
- Muceku, H. (2016). Fiscal Amnesty and its role in formalization of the Albanian economy. European Academic Research Vol.IV, Issue 3/June 2016. Click here for the link to publicationorg
- Muceku, H. (2016). Financial Crisis and the Role of Auditing Services in its Management. Scientifc Journal Economicus, UET PRESS, no. 14. https: //
- Muceku, H. (2017). Information technologjy in business and audit. International Conference on “ Re-engineering reforms for a new model of economic growth and social develpment”. Albanian Studies Days 2017, UET.
- Muceku, H., Agalliu, A. (2016). Audit role in prevention and detection of fraud risk. ICEI’16 1-ST International Conference on “European Integration and Econimic Development, Challenges and Opportunities”, Pavarësia University College, Vlorë, Albania.
Departamenti i Menaxhimit dhe Marketingut
Marketingu në sektorin terciar të ekonomisë
Kruja, D., Ha, H., & Tabaku, E. (2021). Students’ perception and satisfaction of services provided by public and private higher education institutes: a case study in Albania. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences.
Click here for the link to publication
Kokthi, E., Kruja, D., Guri, F., & Zoto, O. (2021). Are the consumers willing to pay more for local fruits and vegetables? Empirical research on Albanian consumers. Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences.
Click here for the link to publication
Kruja, D., & Drishti, E. (2020). A systematic review of the tourism experience research from 2009 to 2018. The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Experience Management and Marketing. Click here for the link to publication
Tabaku, E., & Kruja, D. (2019). An integrated framework for customer loyalty in the hotel sector. Serbian Journal of Management, 14(1), 205-221. Click here for the link to publication
Kruja, D. (2018). Destination marketing research. In D.Gursoy (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Destination Marketing, pp. 35-48). Routledge. Click here for the link to publicationv
Kruja, D. (2017). Product/service management. In D.Gursoy (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Hospitality Marketing, pp. 103-115. Routledge. Click here for the link to publication
Kokthi, E., & Kruja, D. (2017). Consumer Expectations for Geographical Origin: Eliciting Willingness to Pay (WTP) Using the Disconfirmation of Expectation Theory (EDT). Journal of Food Products Marketing, 23(8), 873-889. Click here for the link to publication
Kruja, D., Ha, H., Drishti, E., & Oelfke, T. (2016). Empowerment in the Hospitality Industry in the United States. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 25(1), fq.25-48. ISSN 1936-8623 (Print), 1936-8631(Online). Click here for the link to publication
Drishti, E., Kruja, D., & Curcija, M. (2016). An Evaluation of the Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on the Entrepreneurship Intentions in the Albanian Late Transition Context. In C.C. Williams, A.Gurtoo (Eds.) Click here for the link to publication
Recent research projects:
“Cheese route as an innovative cultural heritage driving force for rural tourism development in the cross-border area” (“CheeseCulT”) Project of the Programme INTERREG IPA II Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Greece -Albania 2014-2020
‘Developing Research and Innovation Capacities in Albania and Kosovo’ (DRIVE) Project of the Programme Erasmus+, Capacity Building in Higher Education
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