Before Mobility: At the beginning of each academic year, usually in September, UET organizes Erasmus Info Day. This event targets all UET students who have interest to do an exchange semester abroad. As soon as the International Office receives the confirmation from the partner university; it opens the call for applications among its students. The call for applications contains necessary information regarding documents to be uploaded, costs that the grant covers and the mobility period. The call is distributed internally through the coordinators of departments, as well as in social media. Necessary documents to be submitted at this phase for students are: CV in English; Motivation letter in English;; Transcript of Records translated into English; Proof of foreign language, unless the Inter-Institutional Agreement predicts differently with a specific clause, or unless the partner university gives its consent via email to proceed without the proof of language proficiency. After thorough evaluation, selected students pass to the second phase of selection, which consists of interviews in English in front of a committee comprised by professors of respective departments, one representative from the Office for Project Development and Partnerships and Student Services. The members of the committee are comprised ad-hoc based on the study programme. After successfully completing this phase, UET nominates its students based on the Inter-Institutional Agreement.
During Mobility: The International Relations Officer is frequently checking on the outgoing students, assisting with needed documentation and offering guidelines for outgoing students.
After Mobility: The International Relations Officer assists students with preparation of the necessary documentation for recognition of courses (such as list of grades, syllabuses, LA etc). Once the documentation set is complete, the students are responsible to submit it to their respective Head of Department. Afterwards, recognized subjects are reflected in the actual transcript of grades.