The Tempus Project CONSUS ‘Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainability Innovations’, led by the Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Austria, aims to strengthen the linkage and cooperation between scientific research and practice and to promote joint achievements and innovative methods through development workshops and seminars that initiate sustainable development. UET in cooperation with partners in Albania and Kosovo makes an analysis of current collaborations and expertise. The project aims to: Establish a science-society network for sustainable development; Enable experienced actors and those who apply innovative ideas for the first time to exchange information, enhance impact, and develop sustainability. In addition, the development of innovative teaching materials for HEIs aims to enable pedagogues and researchers to apply innovative teaching methods and materials, including the stakeholders, to strengthen science and society cooperation.
Project Fiche (Click here)
Project Manager UET
Ketrina Çabiri
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information regarding the project visit its official website
The Tempus project ENCHASE ‘Enhancing Albanian system of quality assurance in higher education: Application of Process-Based Methodology and Outcomes (ENCHASE)’ aims to further develop the internal quality assurance system at Albanian universities through reinforcement of a national quality assurance framework in accordance with European standards in higher education. The project aims to develop the capacity of academic, administrative and student staff to ensure the internal quality assurance of the university. The project is led by the Koblenz-Landau University in Germany and focuses specifically on the top system in Albania including key institutions of higher education and the Public Accreditation Agency for Higher Education. The project includes a series of activities for analyzing the current situation of internal quality assurance at the university as well as ways of harmonizing with European quality assurance standards as well as training for academic staff and students in this regard.
Project’s Fiche
Project Coordinator in UET
Dokt. Blerjana Bino
Email: [email protected]
For more please visit the project’s website
In the framework of the Tempus Project No. 544302-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-DE-TEMPUS-SMGR on Enhancing Albanian system of quality assurance in higher education: Application of the process and outcome based methodology, UET opens an invitation to tender for the supply contract for equipment as detailed in the tender dossier. The invitation to tend can be found here.
The Tempus Project ‘Putting Human Rights at the Heart of Higher Education (Heart)’ is primarily intended to support the establishment and further development of multi-disciplinary education programs that focus on the area of human rights and citizenship for university and postgraduate level in the Western Balkans. This project includes a consortium of 11 universities from Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Germany, Sweden, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The University of Roehampton in Great Britain is the lead institution in this project, while the European University of Tirana as a partner is collaborating with the UET Center for the implementation of this project. The European University of Tirana and the UET Center contribute to the project with the expertise of a highly qualified staff in the field of human rights and education in Albania as well as logistical services.
With an international reputation in the field of human rights and education, the University of Roehampton offers opportunities for promoting scientific research in the field of human rights, exchange of knowledge and expertise and development of higher education in Western Balkan countries through the support and strengthening of inter-university cooperation within the project.
Fisha e Projektit (kliko këtu)
Drejtues projekti në UET
Blerjana Bino
E-mail: [email protected]
Për më shumë informacion vizitoni faqen zyrtare të projektit:
Rezultatet e Projektit HEART:
1. Praktikat më të mira për të drejtat e njeriut në arsimin e lartë: Përmbledhje Anglisht
2. HEART Praktikat më të mira në Shqip
3. Zhvillimi i kurseve për të drejtat e njeriut – UET