- Digital Transformation

WeB-Nimbus – Advancing Cloud and Edge Computing Education in the Western Balkans.
Funding Programme
Project Number
36 Months
Overall Budget
799,747 EUR
UET Budget
59.822 EUR
Greece, Spain, Portugal, Albania, Kosovo
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The WeB-Nimbus project aims to the gap in cloud technology education, increase the digital readiness of ICT professionals, reduce skills mismatch and meet the demands of the local labor market by developing and implementing an MSc in Cloud and Edge Computing (EQF 7/ECTS 60) equivalent and a LMS that will host Online Specialized Stand-Alone Courses (WP3, WP4). To standardize the tech advancements, partners -with the engagement of cloud-computing businesses and guest HEI experts- will set the foundation for curriculum development, and through policy advocacy reports lay the ground for GDPR enhancement in e-data management (WP2). The project also facilitates the establishment of HEI-labor market relations in targeted countries with the introduction of Work-Based Learning & Employer Engagement Methodology (WP4). Academic staff in targeted countries will enhance their competencies through EU HEI study visits and cloud computing capacity building. This will enable them to deliver the MSc to 120 students and the online courses to 300 learners, during the pilot (WP5). To increase recognition, the MSc will be accredited by national authorities, enabling Albanian and Kosovar partners to deliver it at a Joint level (WP5). WeB-Nimbus contributes to the Digital Transformation overarching priority of the call by addressing gaps in advanced digital education and industry-academia collaboration in cloud computing in Albania and Kosovo that will act as a precedent for the rest Western Balkan countries.
Objectives of the project
- Reduce / tackle the gap in tailored HEI curricula in cloud technologies by creating postgraduate educational programs based on the latest advancements that meet the evolving industry demands on beneficiary countries.
- Enhance the digital readiness of professionals with an ICT background, through a future-proof approach, to enhance their employment prospects, reduce academic dropouts and effectively meet the growing demands of cloud computing in the local, regional, national, and even European markets.
- Strengthen academic capacities and professional development of HEI staff in the beneficiary countries on best pedagogical methodologies for the successful delivery of advanced digital cloud computing education & training programs, promote peer-learning and foster the modernization of the HEIs in providing industry-centric advanced digital education .
- Strengthen academic-industry relations on HEIs of beneficiary countries and promote HEIs to develop a more industry-centric learning engagement and reduce the brain drain of qualified students
- Facilitate cloud computing regulatory reform in Albania and Kosovo by analyzing existing frameworks and advocating tailored policy changes.
Expected Results and Outcomes
- Develop and launch a Master’s program (MSc) in Cloud and Edge Computing (EQF Level 7, 60 ECTS credits), alongside an LMS to host specialized online courses.
- Strengthen collaboration between higher education institutions (HEIs) and the labor market in the targeted countries by introducing a Work-Based Learning and Employer Engagement Methodology.
- Enhance the competencies of academic staff in the targeted countries through study visits to EU HEIs and cloud computing capacity-building initiatives.
- Successfully deliver the MSc program to 120 students and provide online courses to 300 learners during the pilot phase.
Project Activities
- Assessment of Cloud and Edge Computing Curricula and Latest Technological Development in EU and Regulatory Framework Analysis
- Development of WeB-Nimbus Academic Program & Online Specialized Stand-Alone Courses
- Preparation and Development of MSc Teaching Materials and Academic Staff Capacity Building on Delivery of Material
- Delivery of MSc Program and Online Stand-Alone Courses and WeB-Nimbus JOINT MSc Accreditation
Project Partners
- Panepistimio Dytikis Attikis, Greece
- Mitropolitiko College Anoymi Ekpaideytiki Etairi, Greece
- Universitat Ramon Llull Fundacio, Spain
- Universidade De Aveiro, Portugal
- Universiteti Aleksander Moisiu Durres, Albania
- University Of New York Tirana, Albania
- European University of Tirana, Albania
- University Of Mitrovica Isa Boletini, Kosovo
- International Business College Mitrovica, Kosovo
- Universum Op College, Kosovo
- Ministry Of Education Science Technology And Innovation In Republic Of Kosovo, Kosovo