- Innovation in Education, Jean Monnet

PROEUMEDAL- Promoting EU Standards of Media Freedom, Democracy and Self-regulation in Albania
Funding Programme
Erasmus + Jean Monnet Chair
Project Number
36 Months
Overall Budget
60,000 Euro
This project’s focus is on the state of media self-regulation in Albania in line with the European perspective of the country. Despite a few initiatives, there is a lack of functional dialogue in this crucial issue between scholars, media actors, civil society, and state regulators, especially from within a strategic, well-researched and authoritative approach. This JM Chair project will therefore contribute to the promotion of EU shared values of open dialogue and media freedom, with the university taking an active role in relation to diverse publics such as media players and civil society actors, state regulators and policymakers.
Objectives of the project
- Teaching Activities – Introducing adequate flexibility in the course curriculum (i.e., 20-30 percent of lectures or seminars each year) to facilitate the continuous development and enhancement of EU economic policies topics in English language tracks by the project team, addressing contemporary issues. Adapting teaching approaches for different study cycles (i.e., BA, MA, and PhD) by presenting a customized methodology and knowledge delivery. The focus for BA students will emphasize the theoretical aspect, incorporating case studies to enhance team-work competencies and debating skills. MA students will concentrate on real-life scenarios to reinforce analytical skills and draw conclusions from data-driven analysis. PhD students will be guided to strengthen their research capacities, encompassing both methodological and content aspects, with a focus on EU studies and the finance system in Albania and beyond.
- Research -Significantly enhancing teaching methods through the organization of computer seminars, student research seminars, and the integration of high-quality guest lecturers into courses. Computer seminars will provide students with an overview of relevant information resources for extensive EU research. An annual research seminar will actively involve students in seeking answers to contemporary EU media policy issues, encouraging discussions and critical assessments of their peers’ outputs. These discussions will be moderated in class by the Project team to uphold the highest standards of academic discourse. Research seminars will also serve as a testing ground for the inclusion of new course topics into mainstream lectures for the following year.
- Outreach Activities – The academic research of the Project team will be disseminated through various channels, including workshops, open lectures in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and secondary education institutions, 3 roundtables, 2 conferences, and a series of scientific publications. Additionally, the Project team will actively engage in the public debate. Ongoing collaboration is planned with the Albanian government on new topics related to EU integration, as well as with other stakeholders such as public diplomacy, EU institutions, think-tanks, research institutes, and interested members of the public. A special seminar for journalists is anticipated to enhance understanding of EU integration processes related by the conclusion of the project, complemented by TV appearances
Expected Results and Outcomes
- To establish the new course curricula, 12 updated syllabuses for 12 different courses in 6 programs of study.
- To edit two issues of Faculty Journals, Polis Journal and Jus and Justicia Journal, dedicated to Media & European Union Studies.
- To assign research projects to post-graduate students so as to compare and analyze media regulatory frameworks in different European states, exploring variations in self-regulation mechanisms, media ownership restrictions, and legal frameworks protecting media freedom.
- To organize forums and workshops that introduce scholars, journalists and civil society actors to the policies and regulations governing media in Europe, discussing topics such as media ownership, digital media laws, and media diversity initiatives, with the participation of government and EU delegation representatives in Albania.
Project Activities
- Teaching Activities- All Jean Monnet team from the European University of Tirana will conduct lectures in the field of Media, Policy Studies and Law: EU aspects, public policy, media regulations, media freedom and media plurality.
- Research activities – Jean Monnet Chair Holder, in cooperation with the team, will conduct research-oriented activities, focusing on BA, MA and PhD level as well as publications in Academic Journals, Conferences and round tables.
- Dissemination and outreach – This WP will target mainly those that are outside the auditorium (such as civil society, journalists, public diplomacy, policy makers and public at large) and students/academics/pupils outside UET who are not in direct contact with EU / media and policy studies.