- Capacity Building, Green Transition, Innovation in Education, Upskilling & Re-skilling of Human Resources

KALCEA- Knowledge Triangle for a Low-Carbon Economy
Funding Programme
Project Number
36 months
Overall Budget
871,050 EUR
Albania, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Latvia, Kosovo
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The “Knowledge Triangle for a Low Carbon Economy” (KALCEA) project is designed to strengthen the relationship between education, research, and industry in the Western Balkans, with a focus on fostering a low-carbon economy. The project aims to create Knowledge-Innovation Centers (KICs) that will facilitate the transfer of knowledge and technology between universities and industries. These centers will serve as hubs for developing new educational programs and research initiatives that align with the needs of a sustainable, low-carbon economy.
Objectives of the project
- Create centers that link universities, research institutions, and industries to promote innovation and knowledge transfer in the field of sustainable energy and low-carbon technologies.
- Design and implement educational programs focused on low-carbon economy practices, particularly in sustainable energy.
- Strengthen collaboration between universities and industries to address the skills gap and align educational outcomes with market needs.
- Raise awareness and build capacities within the Western Balkans to support a transition to a low-carbon economy.
Expected Results and Outcomes
- At least five Knowledge-Innovation Centers fully operational in the Western Balkans.
- Development of at least 8 new educational programs in sustainable energy.
- A significant number of academic staff and industry professionals trained in low-carbon economy practices.
- Strengthened partnerships between universities and industries in the region.
Project Activities
- Establishment of KICs: Set up and operationalize Knowledge-Innovation Centers at partner universities.
- Curriculum Development: Develop and implement new curricula and professional training programs focused on sustainable energy and low-carbon technologies.
- Capacity Building: Train academic staff and industry professionals in low-carbon practices and technologies.
- Dissemination and Networking: Promote the project results and facilitate networking among stakeholders in the Western Balkans and beyond.
Project Partners
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [NKUA] – Greece.
- Vienna University of Technology [TUW] – Austria.
- Riga Technical University [RTU] – Latvia.
- University of Novi Sad [UNS] – Serbia.
- Creative Thinking Development [CTD] – Greece.
- University of East Sarajevo [UES] – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- International BURCH University [IBU] – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- “Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar [UNMO] – Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- “Albenecon” – Albania.
- University of Pristina – Mitrovica [UPKM] – Kosovo.
- “Universum” College [UC] – Kosovo.
- European University of Tirana [EUT] – Albania.
- Polytechnic University of Tirana [PUT] – Albania.
- “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës [UAMD] – Albania.
- IRCE East Sarajevo [IRCE] – Bosnia and Herzegovina.