- Capacity Building, Green Transition, Innovation in Education

GREENWB- Green Innovation Living Labs for Regional Entrepreneurial Cooperation
Funding Programme
Project Number
36 Months
Overall Budget
785.723 EUR
Albania, Kosovo, Austria, Finland, North Macedonia.
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This project is unique in that it has a regional focus, reinforcing collaboration links between countries at similar economic and social development stages. The creation of the Sustainable Living Labs is completely a new idea for almost all universities. The main goal of this project is to support green innovation and entrepreneurial skills of students in higher education, by developing the PCUs’ entrepreneurial and innovation capacities through Living Labs, as well as enhancing their cooperation with enterprises, giving them a central role in the regional innovation ecosystem.
Objectives of the project
- Support for the set-up and functioning of living labs within higher education institutions, in close cooperation with the entrepreneurial sector and other relevant actors, to support innovative learning and teaching and help student entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into businesses.
- Support for learning and teaching partnerships with commercial and non-commercial organizations in the private sector that foster students’ exposure to innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Analyze and understand the knowledge transfer, innovation, and green entrepreneurial infrastructure and activities in 5 PCUs in the national ecosystem.
- Set up 5 Sustainable Living Labs (one per PCU) that will serve as a one-stop-shop for cooperation with enterprises and support for students and academic staff for producing (green) entrepreneurial project ideas.
- Develop capacities of Living Labs Officers and their services and instruments.
- Increase knowledge transfer and joint activities between PCUs and local enterprises through the Sustainable Living Lab.
- (Self)Employability through practical placement and practice-oriented disciplinary training covering selected EntreCompFramework’s competence.
- Train the academic staff of PCUs (and members of Chambers involved) on green entrepreneurial education to encourage them to include (green) entrepreneurship in their teaching.
Expected Results and Outcomes
- Individual PCUs’ Assessment implemented
- Report “University- enterprises cooperation in selected Western Balkan Countries –Report on the potential and activities” developed and disseminated.
- Sustainable Living Labs installed, equipped and staffed.
- Living Lab officers and PCU academic staff practically trained on a) green business, b) innovation and sustainability, c) digital skills.
- Pilot projects implementation.
- University academic staff trained on entrepreneurship and innovation.
- Students capacitated entrepreneurship and innovation Ecosystems.
Project Activities
- Forming HEInnovate self-assessment committees at each PCU
- Preparation Meta-research of the National Knowledge Transfer, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Development of the Sustainable Living Labs strategies
- Set up and equipping of the Innovation Living and Appointing of sustainable Living Labs’ Officers
- Development of business plan and activity plan for each Living Lab
- Study visits and training for the staff in Global Green and Social Business
- Selection of core competences from the EntreComp Framework and Adaptation and (Further) development of progressive modular teaching
- Evaluation tool: development / adapting of two stages (entry and exit)evaluation tool
- Training for students on Entrepreneurship
- Development of Portfolio of instruments and services
- Implementing of the Pilot projects with enterprises
- Publishing of Compilation of good practices in university – enterprise cooperation
Project Partners
- University of Tirana – Coordinator, Albania.
- European University of Tirana, Albania.
- Epoka University, Albania.
- Durres Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Albania.
- University of Peja ‘Haxhi Zeka’, Kosovo.
- University of Gjilan Kadri Zeka’, Kosovo.
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Kosovo.
- FH Joanneum University, Austria.
- University of Vaasa, Finland.
- Cyril and Methodius University, North Macedonia.