- Capacity Building, Green Transition, Innovation in Education

Engine- Engineering curricula modernization in renewable energy in Albanian Universities.
Funding Programme
Project Number
36 months
Overall Budget
733,608.00 EUR
Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey
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The ENGINE project is dedicated to modernizing and internationalizing engineering education in Albania, with a focus on renewable energy and energy efficiency. By developing innovative curricula and updating existing programs, the project aims to equip students with the skills needed to meet the demands of the growing energy sector. In collaboration with universities from Belgium and Turkey, ENGINE enhances the capacity of academic staff through training in modern teaching methods and the integration of ICT tools, creating a more dynamic and flexible learning environment. The project focuses on upgrading laboratory facilities to provide students with practical, hands-on experience that mirrors real-world applications in renewable energy. By fostering strong partnerships between academia and the energy industry, ENGINE ensures that educational programs remain relevant and aligned with market needs, contributing to the sustainable development of the energy sector in Albania and beyond.
Objectives of the project
- To modernize and internationalize engineering education in Albania, focusing on renewable energy.
- To develop and implement curricula that meet the needs of the labor market.
- To enhance the capacity of academic staff and institutions to deliver high-quality education.
- To strengthen the collaboration between higher education institutions and industry stakeholders.
- To improve the infrastructure and resources available for engineering education.
Expected Results and Outcomes
- Modernized and internationalized VET and bachelor curricula in renewable energy.
- Enhanced teaching capacities of academic staff.
- New and updated educational programs that align with market demands.
- Strengthened collaboration between academia and the energy sector.
- Improved infrastructure and laboratory facilities at partner institutions.
Project Activities
- Conducting a comprehensive needs analysis of the energy sector and academic offerings.
- Developing new and updated curricula in renewable energy and energy efficiency.
- Providing training programs for academic staff on new teaching methodologies and technologies.
- Establishing and upgrading laboratory facilities to support practical training.
- Implementing e-learning courses and platforms to enhance education delivery.
- Ensuring quality control and monitoring through regular evaluations and external assessments.
- Disseminating project results and best practices to broader academic and industry communities
Project Partners
- Polytechnic University of Tirana [UPT] – Albania.
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven [KU Leuven] – Belgium.
- Technical University of Sofia [TUS] – Bulgaria.
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens [NKUA] – Greece.
- “Kadir Has” University [KHAS] – Turkey.
- European University of Tirana [UET] – Albania.
- “Aleksandër Moisiu” University of Durrës [UAMD] – Albania.
- Professional College of Tirana [KPT] – Albania.
- “Albenecon” – Albania.
- Quality Assurance Agency in Higher Education [ASCAL] – Albania.
- Creative Thinking Development [CTD] – Greece.