Prof. Dr. Adrian Papajani
Pedagogical and scientific activity:
- Teacher of history and geography (1981-1982 );
- Researcher at the Academy of Sciences, specialist in archeology at the Archaeological Center of Elbasan (1983-1990);
- Researcher at the Central State Archive, Albanian National Renaissance Sector (1990-1996);
- Researcher at the Institute of Pedagogical Studies Tirana (1996 – 2004); Compiler of the History subject curriculum in Pre-University Education, leader of the working group for the subject of history in the Project: “Distance Qualification of History Teachers (KUALIDA): Leader of the working group for experimentation of programs and textbooks of the subject of History Profiled Secondary Education.
- Lecturer at the University "Aleksandër Xhuvani" Elbasan, Faculty of Education Sciences, Department of Social Sciences and Education ( 2004 -2016);
- Lecturer at the European University of Tirana, Faculty of Humanities, Education and Liberal Arts, Department of Psychology, Education and Sports (2016 )
I am the author and co-author of several national studies on the curriculum in Pre-University Education, syllabi in 2 study cycles, monographs, textbooks and those to help teachers, articles and papers at home and abroad, participant and coordinator in national and international projects, co-author in the compilation of the Albanian Encyclopedic Dictionary (FESH) under the direction of the Academy of Sciences of Albania (2008) for Large Albanian Families (Shkodra) of the 18-19th Centuries:
- The Bianki Family (Volume I)
- Çoba Family (vol. I)
- Muzhani Family (Vol. II)