Prof. Assoc. Dr. Silvana Sukaj
University Degree in Architecture UE, "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy, 110 e Lode;
Postgraduate Degree in "Territorial Welfare and Services to the Person", Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy;
Doctor of Science (No.1) in "Energy Saving and Distributed Microgeneration", "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy.
Doctor of Science (no. 2) in "Civil Engineering", "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy;
Summer School in "Conservation of Historical Monuments and Archaeological Sites", Tor Vergata ", Rome, Italy;
Energy Auditor, in Bologna, Italy.
She has successfully completed training courses in:
1) Security Coordinator in the Design Phase and in the Execution Phase;
2) Fire Safety;
Post doctoral studies in the process "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy;
Co-author of the book "Applied Thermo-technics", (Technical and Environmental Physics - 1), theories, exercises and problems.,
She has published scientific articles in scientific journals in country and abroad, related to the problems of construction and acoustics.
Participant in the Board of the Magazine "Independent Scientific Journal", 2017.
She has worked as an ad-hoc auditor for magazines:
1) Walailak Journal of Science and Technology (WJST);
2) Cultural Heritage and Science (CUHES).
Pjesëmarrëse në projekte te ndryshme me profil Energjine.
Hartuese projektesh arkitektonike, si edhe zbatim ne punime ndërtimi.
Pedagoge e Teknologjise se Arkitektures, Fizikes teknike dhe Shkences se Konstruksionit 1 dhe 2 në Universitete të ndryshme në Tiranë.
Aktualisht lektor me kohë të plotë në UET, pranë Departamentit të Inxhinjerisë dhe Arkitekturës.