Prof. Dr. Kristaq Xharo
Prof. Dr. Kristaq Xharo works as a lecturer at the European University of Tirana in the Department of Social Sciences for international relation. His teaching subjects are related to International Organizations and Regional Studies in bachelor program and global and regional strategy and security and security institutions. He is engaged in academic research with the object international relations and international security strategies, conflicts managements, and analysis of organized crime and terror issues. His object of study also includes theories and model of leadership and analysis for international security organizations and their role in international relations. The results of research, analysis, and academic studies are a number of works such as monographs, research papers, works with co-author and scientific articles. He has been participating in international conferences in his country and abroad.
Prof. Xharo has been the team-leader for some of research projects in regional areas, especially in Southeastern European countries such as Albania, Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Italy, USA, and Ukraine. Among these projects were: SEMEC - South East European Military Education Cooperation, based in Tirana; SEEDIRET– South East European Defense Industry, Research and Technology (Sofia-Bulgaria); CBSC -Counter Proliferation, Border Security and Counter Terrorism Zagreb, Croatia; SEESIM - Southeastern Europe Simulation Network Exercise), firstly in Bucharest and then in Tirana. Impact of these project reflects in common program and engagement of southeastern European governments.
Prof. Xharo carrier include different responsibilities in academic and defense and security fields. He works as the chair and dean in Military University "Skenderbej" in Tirana (2002-2005), and later rector of Albanian Defense Academy (2010-2011). He was national deputy military representative in NATO Headquarter (Brussels-Belgium) (2007-2010). He used to work as the chief of Secretariat of Southeastern Defense Ministerial -SEDM (2005-2007). A numerous medals and titles were accorded for his achievements in country and abroad. (Albania, USA, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, etc.)