Prof. Assoc. Dr. Tomi Treska
Policy, reforms and actors in the Albanian Pre-University education system.
Selected publishing:
- Treska, T. (2021) The Curriculum Reform in Universities-EUT model. Journal of Education and Social Research, Vol. 2, No. 5, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. https://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/jesr
- Treska, T., Puka, E., Aliçka, Y., Nathanaili, V., Spaho, M.: (2015) “Arsimi Parauniversitar 2015+” UET Press ISBN 978-9928-190-34-5
- Kadiu, V., Treska, T., (2016) How Do We Put Short Stories Models Into Pedagogical Practice (Literature Hermeneutics) BEDER JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Volume 13, Number 3 (Special contribution of ICELL 2015 & 2016) December, 2016 ISSN 2310-5402 (Online) bjes.beder.edu.al.
- Xhomara, N., Treska, T., (2017) Improving Quality Teaching In Teacher Education Programs
- BJES Volume 14, Number 1. APRIL 2017, “BEDËR”UNIVERSITY Faculty of Philology and Educational Sciences. http://bjes.beder.edu.al/uploads/bjes-201707211222176262.pdf BJES bjes.beder.edu.al
- Treska, L., Treska, T,. (2017) “The role, responsibilities and duties of the Homeroom Teacher in Albanian education system during the communist regime (1945 – end of 60’s)”. Published in “Recent Ideas and Developments in Education”, by European Center for Science Education and Research. ISBN 978-88-909161-8-2. http://books.euser.org/index.php/ideas/catalog/category/recent
- Treska, T. (2017): “Professional/vocational practice in Albanian Higher Education; EUT Model”. International Conference: “Experience and Challenges in the Formation of Students’ Professional Competences Through Practice in School.” December, Elbasan. ISBN 978-9928-4396-9-7. https://library.iated.org
- Kadiu, V. & Treska, T. (2017). “The best techniques and strategies of language acquisition; a case study at the European University of Tirana””, Ditët e Studimeve Shqiptare: “Re-engineering reforms for a new model of economic growth and social development”. UET. ISBN 978-9928-236-40-1. https://uet.edu.al › 2021/06 › Proceedings-Book-2
- Treska, T., Puka, E., Aliçka, Y., Melonashi, E., Bakallai, G., Giakoumis, K. (2018) “Mësimdhënia Interaktive në Universitet (Manual)”. UET Press; ISBN 078-9928-236-44-9
- Treska, T., Xhindi, N., (2021) School as organization vs. School as institution-Comparative reflections. conf.2021gmail.com; [email protected]
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