Prof. Dr. Hysen Muceku
Impact of security and eficiency of optional and financial systems in the performance of organisations governance
- Muceku, H. (June 2021). Public Audit – Managerial accountability as an objective. Monography, UET PRESS. Click here for the link to publication
- Muceku, H., Bello, K., (July 7, 2021), Functioning of Public Internal Audit in Albania, published by WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.99. E-ISSN: 2224-2899, Volume 18, 2021, pg. 1047-1056.
- Muceku, H. (2021). Audited financial statements increase the certainty and efficiency of decisions made by organizations. Scientifc Journal Economicus, UET PRESS, no. 20. Click here for the link to publication
- Muceku, H., & Balliu, T. (2017). The Albanian Taxpayers’ Perception of Current Tax System and its Impact on Informal Ecinomy, Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance. Mediterranean of Social Sciences, Vol 8 No 1 / Januaruy 2017
- Muceku, H. (2016). Fiscal Amnesty and its role in formalization of the Albanian economy. European Academic Research Vol.IV, Issue 3/June 2016. Click here for the link to publicationorg
- Muceku, H. (2016). Financial Crisis and the Role of Auditing Services in its Management. Scientifc Journal Economicus, UET PRESS, no. 14. https: //www.uet.edu.al
- Muceku, H. (2017). Information technologjy in business and audit. International Conference on “ Re-engineering reforms for a new model of economic growth and social develpment”. Albanian Studies Days 2017, UET. https://www.uet.edu.al
- Muceku, H., Agalliu, A. (2016). Audit role in prevention and detection of fraud risk. ICEI’16 1-ST International Conference on “European Integration and Econimic Development, Challenges and Opportunities”, Pavarësia University College, Vlorë, Albania.