
MSc. Kristi Bello

Asistent Lektor, Fakulteti i Humanities, Education and Liberal Arts

Graduated at the Academy of Arts in the years 2005-2009, with a degree in Composition in the class of Prof. As. Endri Sina.

External lecturer for the Harmony Course, at the Academy of Arts for 5 years and 3 years external lecturer at the Faculty of Arts, Crystal University for the courses Solfeggio, Composition, Stylistic Harmony and Knowledge of Professional Context.

Specialist and then Head of the Sector at the Directorate of Creativity and Education through Culture and Director of the National Circus in the Ministry of Culture (January 2010 - March 2017). Head of the Korça District Sector at the Unique Copyright Administration Desk (January-June 2018). Composer and Producer in Production Studio "OnOff Productions" (December 2017 – July 2019)

Coordinator, Artistic Director and Jury Member in several activities and orchestras such as: Youth Fund Competition at National Theatre of Opera in Tirana, Vox Baroque Old Music Festival, A Capella Fest Albania, UET Talent, UET Arts Festival, etc.

Coordinator and researcher in the international project " Polyphonia " (December 2019-March2022)

Executive Director of the "Center for Contemporary Art " (December 2018 - July 2020).

Pedagog i ftuar në Universitetin “Lucian Blaga”, Sibiu Rumani, “Vilnius Kolegija”, Vilnius, Lituani, “Valladolid University”, Valladolid, Spanjë.

From September 2019, Founder and Director of the Production Studio "Frekuence".

Nga tetori i vitit 2018, Asistent Lektor në Fakultetin e Shkencave Humane, Edukimit dhe Arteve Liberale pranë Universitetit Europian të Tiranës