Dr. Ermir Nika
His professional activity has extended to several important areas both in terms of artistic creativity and in terms of study and scientific research. In 2016 he earned the title Doctor of Philological Sciences with the topic: "The beginnings of modernity in Albanian novel prose”, while in 2005 he completed the postgraduate degree for the title Master at the University of Tirana, Faculty of History - Philology, branch Language - Literature. He completed his graduate in the field of language and literature in 2000 at the University of Tirana at the Faculty of History and Philology. From 2001 to 2019 he had been working in the Ministry of Culture as an expert, Head of Sector and also as Director in the directorates of written culture and arts. Ermir Nika is the author of a series of works of literary and scholarly character, where can be mentioned: "Polyphony" study, "Beginnings of Modernity in Albanian novel prose" study, "Slave of Heights", novel, "Bohemian Quartet", poetry, Net Sinners ", stories, children's novel" Grandfather in the Frame ", publication of the poetic volume" Cold Clouds ", publication of the study work" Çajup's work and its meetings with literary currents”, "Notes of a European near Buda and Hiroshima" , "The River of My Dreams" poetry. His literary and research works paper had been translated and published in several foreign languages as in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Romanian, Arabic, Serbian, Macedonian, etc. From May 2019 and ongoing Dr. Ermir Nika is the Head of the Department of Applied Arts at the Faculty of Humanities and Liberal Arts at the European University of Tirana.