Prof. Assoc. Dr. Voltisa Lama
Prof. Assoc. Dr. Voltisa Lama has awarded the title Doctor of Medicine (Dr. med.) at the University of Hamburg, Medical Faculty, Germany. She is graduated as “General Physician” and as “Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist” from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Tirana. Dr. Lama has attended several trainings and courses abroad from University Centre Charite-Berlin, University Centre Hamburg-Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Amsterdam, King’s College London, University Hospital of Vienna and University of Salzburg. She is a consultant doctor licensed in Child and Adolescent Mental Health since 2008. Author of several albanian and english publications. Since 2013 she is working as full time lecturer at the European University of Tirana, as well as Head of Department during 2018-2021. Her research interests are in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. During 2004-2009 she worked in the International Cooperation Office of the Medical Faculty, University of Tirana as Coordinator of the American-Austrian project «Open Medical Institute» for continuing medical education.