Prof. Dr. Kreshnik Bello
Profesor Kreshnik Bello, ka një përvojë rreth 20 vjeçare në mësimdhënie, e cila perfshin aktivitet në disa universitete brenda dhe jashtë vendit. Ai zotëron një ekspertize solide në fushat e Menaxhimit, Marketingut dhe Biznesit Ndërkombetar, e cila është krijuar ndër vite falë një veprimtarie të gjerë. Gjithashu, eksperienca e tij është mbeshtetur prej një edukimi të vazhdueshëm dhe ciësor, brenda dhe jashtë vendit.
He owns an experience of about fifteen years in several leading positions in university, like Head of Department, Dean of Faculty, Head of University, etc., combined with experience in consultancy, in different public and private sector organizations. He has been member of some National and International Associations, as well as member of some Editorial Boards.
Associate Professor Bello, continuously engages in scientific research, and developmental work, demonstrated (in home country and abroad) via, participation and presentation in scientific conferences, publication in scientific journals, participation in professional and academic training, participation in scientific projects, etc. He speaks three foreign languages. He attends the most recent developments in his fields of interest and integrates the most contemporaneous knowledge in teaching and other academic and scientific forums as well.