Dr. Irma Guga
Dr. Irma GUGA
Graduated in 2003 from the Faculty of Economics for Finance-Accounting, University of Tirana and in 2008 completed post graduation program in Economic European Studies, Faculty of Economics of University of Tirana in cooperation with Bamberg University in Germany. In 2010, is certified as Internal Auditor from the Ministry of Finances, DG of Internal Audit and since 2019 she holds a PhD in Economics, topic: “Debt crises in European Union and its implications in the Albanian economy”.
She has a long experience in management in Public Administration as in academic area. She has been part of several study visits and workshops within the country and abroad, related to European Integration, HR etc. She has written several articles and participated in several conferences on the effects of the financial crisis on the Albanian and regional economy. Since 2020 is part of the editorial team of the European Scientific Journal.Dr. Irma Guga is a full time Lecturer in the Department of Informatics and Information Technology, European University of Tirana.