Ph.D. Orjon Rroji
Orjon Rroji Ph.D.
Orjon Rroji has completed his Doctoral studies/Ph.D. of Science at KU Leuven University, Belgium, in the field of Kinesiology, with a PhD program in Biomedical Sciences, with a thesis focused on Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Neuroscience. Also, he has a Postdoctoral Research Experience at Burke Neurological Institute part of Weill Cornell Medical University, White Plains, USA. Orjon has also lectured at Hunter College, CUNY, New York, USA.
Orjon Rroji holds a Master’s degree in Behavioral Biology from the University of Florence, Italy and a Bachelor’s degree in Biology from the University of Padua, Italy.
Currently, Orjon is a full-time Lecturer at the European University of Tirana (UET), Tirana, Albania.