PhD. Florian Çullhaj
Florian Çullhaj, Ph.D., is a political scientist with over a decade of teaching experience. He is a full-time lecturer at the European University of Tirana and a visiting lecturer at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and the University of Teramo, Italy. He is the Head of the Center for Methodology and Scientific Research. Florian’s research focuses on political culture, democratization, and political liberalism, particularly post-communist Albania. He authored two books, namely Democratization from Within: Political Culture and the Consolidation of Democracy in Post-Communist Albania, Editor: Nuova Cultura, Series: Crossroads No. 81, Rome, 2017 and, Nga Pabarazia e Populizmit. Politika e Majtës Shqiptare (From the Inequality of Populism. The politics of the Albanian Left) Sh. B, UET PRESS, 2022. Florian has also published numerous articles in national and international journals with high-impact factors and is actively involved in academic conferences and research projects nationally and internationally. Democratization from Within: Political Culture and the Consolidation of Democracy in Post-Communist Albania, Nuova Cultura, Series: Crossroads No. 81, Rome, 2017, dhe Nga Paparazia dhe Populizmi. Politika e Majtës Shqiptare Sh. B, UET PRESS, 2022. Gjithashtu, Floriani ka botuar një mori artikujsh në revista kombëtare dhe ndërkombëtare me faktorë impakti si dhe është aktivisht i angazhuar në konferenca akademike dhe projekte kërkimore në nivel kombëtar dhe ndërkombëtar.