This edition is dedicated to the academic debate on Judicial Economy and its impact on society. Improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the judiciary is interrelated to strengthening the rule of law. In the meantime, inefficiency of judicial systems risks jeopardizing economic growth.
Global statistics show that justice systems deteriorated in 2023 and that delays in justice delivery and implementation issues are the main factors. Experts have warned of the global rule of law recession and of the need to a paradigm shift to a people-centered approach. The European Union has made it clear that it is committed to fostering social cohesion through judicial reform in its territory, improving judicial transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to community needs and expectations. With this regard, main challenges are related to enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of court operations while maintaining the quality and integrity of judicial decision-making.
In the Albanian context, the vetting process has impacted not only the number of professionals but also the rate of dismissals and the duration of procedures. Hence, an in-depth analysis on how to improve court processes, procedures, and case management techniques reduce delays, and streamline legal proceedings, using technology to address complex challenges facing judicial economy comprehensively.
We welcome papers that address a range of topics, including, but not limited to:
- Access to justice and economic barriers: including legal aid, barriers to access, pro bono programs, and alternative conflict settlement procedures, interdisciplinary approaches to access to justice.
- Judicial accountability and independence: their relationship with economic growth and effects of judicial corruption on the economy.
- Procedural reforms and resource allocation in the Judiciary: cost-benefit analysis, resource optimization in court administration, judicial workload management, performance-based budgeting and incentives.
- Judicial performance evaluation: time-to-resolution, case disposition and clearance rates, efficacy and efficiency of judges and courts.
- Law and economics: judicial behavior, influence of economic elements on legal results, evaluation of procedures by which judges make decisions.
- International comparisons and best practices: analysis of the most effective methods for enhancing judicial effectiveness and exchanging knowledge.
- Judicial economy and technology: judicial transformation of court processes, artificial intelligence in legal research.
We welcome empirical, theoretical, and comparative studies from scholars and practitioners of different disciplines, including political science, sociology, law, economics, and international relations.
For submissions, please follow the instructions in the link:
E-mail: [email protected]
Submission deadline (full papers): June 1st 2024