EUT aims to transform itself into a hub of expertise in the field of social sciences, humanities, legal studies, economics, and information technology. EUT’s further aim is to become a centre of excellence for publishing high-quality research with a potentially important contribution in the national and regional policy debate.
EUT aims to consolidate its identity as the main center of knowledge production in Albania and to further its transformation from an institution of higher education focused almost exclusively on teaching to an elite research entity whose academic output is respected and contributes to the improvement of teaching and student experience. In 2015, UET signed "The European Charter for Researchers" and "The Code of Conduct”, aiming to promote scientific research, focusing on its quality.
For more information
Strategic objectives
Through scientific research UET aims to:
- Achieve and consolidate recognition, regarding its teaching practices and research output, as one of the best universities in Albania and the Western Balkan region;
- Aid in the advancement of knowledge and in the perfection of professional practice with the goal of impacting social and economic development through knowledge transfer beyond the academic community towards public and private institutions as well as interest groups;
- Create a stimulating research environment for both students and academics alike through:
- The standardization and internationalization of academic research.
- Continuous trainings and periodic certifications for the academic staff regarding their ability to publish original scientific knowledge.
- Project and expand its reputation as a national center of academic excellence.
Shtyllat e Kërkimit Shkencor
Some of the main pillars on which scientific research at UET is based are:
- UET publikon 5 revista shkencore: Economicus (ISSN: 2223-6295); Polis (ISSN: 2223-8174), Justicia (ISSN 2223-8654), Medicus (ISSN:2663-7758) dhe Ingenious (ISSN 2789-480). Economicus publikon kërkime në fushën e ekonomisë, zhvillimit dhe IT; Polis publikon kërkime në fushën e shkencave humane dhe shoqërore, Justicia në fushën e së drejtës, ndërsa Medicus publikon kërkime në fushën e shkencave mjekësore, dhe Ingeniuous në fushën e inxhinierisë, teknologjisë dhe arkitekturës. Revistat kanë një bord editorial të përbërë nga profesorë të shquar vendas dhe të huaj; publikon artikuj në gjuhën angleze, dhe mbështetet në një proces ‘double blind peer review’.
- UET ka miratuar The European Charter for Researchers dhe The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
- UET- i siguron një program trajnimi të strukturuar për stafin akademik në përputhje me gradën shkencore dhe angazhimin në hulumtim.
▪ Early Researcher Certificate
▪ Junior Researcher Certificate
▪ Senior Researcher Certificate
▪ Certificate in Research Methodology
How to publish or Perish
▪ How to lead a research group
- UET siguron mbështetje financiare për kërkimin shkencor. Akademikët në UET janë të inkurajuar që të hulumtojnë dhe të publikojnë dhe në bazë të performancës marrin grantet e tyre kërkimore. Lidhja e shpërblimit financiar me arritje të matshme akademike është një mekanizëm i përshtatshëm për të kontrolluar dhe inkurajuar veprimtarinë shkencore dhe botimet. Në këtë mënyrë universiteti shmang shpërdorimin e burimeve, shpërblen ata që janë më aktivë dhe produktivë në kërkim, dhe krijon një mjedis ku kërkimi është pjesë integrale e jetës universitare.
- Aksesi në Punimet Shkencore. UET përveç publikimeve të veta, ka në biblioteke dhe mbi 4,000 tekste dhe revista akademike të aksesueshme nga studentët dhe stafi akademik. Gjithashtu, UET, nëpërmjet projekteve të ndryshme që ka aplikuar dhe fituar, tashmë ka akses në disa prej revistave dhe librave akademikë nga shtëpitë më të mira botuese ndërkombëtare. Specifikisht, përmes projektit Erasmus+ EUROPS, stafi dhe studentët e UET kane akses tek SAGE dhe EBSCO – platformat ndërkombëtare me mijëra artikuj dhe tekste akademike te nevojshme për kërkimin.
Scientific Research
UET aims to become one center of excellence and expertise in the field of social studies, humanities, law, economics, medicine, engineering and information technology with significant contribution at the national and regional level
EUT aims to consolidate its identity as the main center of knowledge production in Albania and to further its transformation from an institution of higher education focused almost exclusively on teaching to an elite research entity whose academic output is respected and contributes to the improvement of teaching and student experience.
In 2015, UET signed "The European Charter for Researchers" and "The Code of Conduct”, aiming to promote scientific research, focusing on its quality.
For more information :
Through scientific research UET aims to:
Some of the main pillars on which scientific research at UET is based are:
1. UET publishes 5 scientific journals:
Economicus publishes research in the fields of economics, development and IT; Polis publishes research in the fields of humanities and social sciences, Justicia in the field of law, while Medicus publishes research in the fields of medical sciences, and Ingenious in the fields of engineering, technology and architecture. The journals have an editorial board composed of prominent local and foreign professors; they publish articles in English, and rely on a 'double blind peer review' process.
2. UET has adopted The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers
3. UET provides a structured training program for academic staff in accordance with their scientific degree and research engagement.
▪ Early Researcher Certificate
▪ Junior Researcher Certificate
▪ Senior Researcher Certificate
▪ Certificate in Research Methodology
▪ How to publish or Perish
▪ How to lead a research group
4. UET provides financial support for scientific research.
Academics at UET are encouraged to research and publish and receive their research grants based on performance. Linking financial rewards to measurable academic achievements is an appropriate mechanism to control and encourage scientific activity and publications. In this way, the university avoids wasting resources, rewards those who are most active and productive in research, and creates an environment where research is an integral part of university life.
5. Access to Scientific Papers.
UET, in addition to its own publications, has over 4,000 academic texts and journals in its libraries accessible to students and academic staff. Also, UET, through various projects it has applied for and won, now has access to some of the academic journals and books from the best international publishing houses. Specifically, through the Erasmus+ EUROPS project, UET staff and students have access to SAGE and EBSCO – international platforms with thousands of articles and academic texts necessary for research.
Administrative Support
The European University of Tirana (UET) provides structured support for interdisciplinary research teams, fostering a favorable environment for high-quality scientific research. This support is facilitated through three key units:
- The Vice-Rector for Scientific Research and Innovation,who leads the university’s research strategy in collaboration with the Academic Senate. This body designs, monitors, and evaluates the medium- and long-term research objectives, periodically updating the strategy and analyzing areas for improvement to ensure the effective development of scientific research.
- The Office for Project Development and Partnerships,which plays a key role in supporting interdisciplinary research. This office assists in securing funding, establishing strategic partnerships, and actively involving academics, young researchers, and students. With an extensive network of national and international collaborators, the office supports research across various fields, including social sciences, economics, law, education, communication, and information technology.
- The Standards and Quality Assurance Office,which ensures that scientific research at UET meets the highest academic standards and aligns with best international practices. This office monitors and evaluates research performance, guaranteeing the quality of scientific publications, the accreditation process of projects, and the effectiveness of the research strategy. Through continuous analysis and assessment mechanisms, it contributes to the ongoing improvement of interdisciplinary research and enhances its overall impact.
In this way, UET not only supports and promotes interdisciplinary research but also ensures that it is developed with high-quality standards and has a tangible impact at both national and international levels.