Dr. Agim Kasaj
Dr. Agim Kasaj është Zëvendës Administrator, Drejtor i zyrës së TIK-ut dhe Drejtues i Qëndrës për Zhvillimin e Teknologjisë dhe Inovacionin pranë Universitetit Europian të Tiranës. Që prej vitit 2007, ai është edhe pedagog në këtë universitet. Agim Kasaj është një ekspert i njohur në fushën e Informacionit të Teknologjisë në Shqipëri.
After completing his undergraduate studies in Finance (1998-2002), he attended the master’s degree in Business Administration at Tirana University (2004-2006). Then he received a master’s degree on Economic Informatics from the European University of Tirana (2010-2011). Since 2012, Mr. Kasaj has received a PhD in Management Information Systems at the European University of Tirana. During 2015-2016 he stayed in Lisbon for a PhD Research on Technology Acceptance Models, a research project conducted between the European University of Tirana in Albania and Nova University in Lisbon, Portugal. Mr. Kasaj has an extended experience in the public and private IT and Business Administration sector. In 2013 he was Member of the Management Board of Immovable Properties Registration Office (IPRO). During 2011-2013 Mr. Kasaj has been working as IT Director in the Ministry of Justice. Mr. Kasaj is currently the Vice Administrator since 2013, the Head of ICT since 2007 with 3 years off in between and Head of the Center for Technology Development and Innovation since 2022. At the same time has been lecturing at the European University of Tirana, since 2007. He has a teaching experience in public and private universities in Albania. Mr. Kasaj has been developing research and capacity building projects in the field of IT and Business Management with the support of international non-governmental organizations such as USAID, etc. Moreover, Mr. Kasaj has undertaken a series of trainings and seminars, for programmes such as CMMI, “PMP”, “Managing Federal Grants and the USAID Cooperative Agreement and MCHIP Program”, “Global Finance Training”, etc.
Dr. Agim Kasaj has a deep expertise in the field of ICT and Business Administration in Albania. He has received a PhD in Management Information Systems and a Master Degree on Economic Informatics from the European University of Tirana and a second Master Degree on Business Administration from the University of Tirana. Mr. Kasaj has an extended experience in the public and private IT and Business Administration sector. From 2011 Mr. Kasaj has been working as ICT Director in the Ministry of Justice. As part of his job at the Ministry of Justice, he leaded top three national wide project in the role of Project Manager: “Bailiff electronic case management system”, “Improvement of electronic Integrated court case management system (ICMIS)”, and “Albanian Notarial Service Digitalization”. Apart from implementing several different systems required for the European University of Tirana, he personally implemented a full Learning Management System (LMS) for the first time for this university. Mr. Kasaj has a long teaching experience in public and private Universities in Albania. Mr. Kasaj has been developing nationwide research and capacity building projects in the field of IT and Business Management with the support of international non-governmental organizations (USAID, World Bank etc.). Moreover, Mr. Kasaj has undertaken a series of trainings and seminars, where he has been certified for programms such as CMMI, “PMP”, “Managing Federal Grants and the USAID Cooperative Agreement and MCHIP Program”, “Global Finance Training”, etc.
Publications and conference participations:
- A.Trunk, Š.Dermol, O.Vladi, N.Širca, A.Kasaj (2020). “The Role of Albanian Higher Educational Institutions for Successful Integration in the European Union: Project Valeu-X”. PIConf2020. Online Education without Social Distance: Challenges for Internationalisation and Culture of Peace.
- U.Marjanovic, D.Taibi, P.Cabral, L.Urbsiene, A.Kasaj, S.Marques (2020). “Digital transformation missing ingredients: Data Literacy”. IS’20: 18th International Scientific Conference on Industrial Systems.
- Kasaj, A. (2018). Understanding determinants of students’ behaviour intention to use Moodle in Albania. Balkan Journal of Interdisiplinary Reserach, 4(2), 55–61.
- Kasaj.A, Binjaku.H, 2016, A theoretical model of mandatory use of e-government system adoption: factors affecting digital notarial system, Economicus, ISSN: 2223-6295 -Autumn 2016, (in Printing proccess)
- Kasaj.A, Xhindi, T, 2016, Predicting factors of use in a hedonic volitional setting, by using utaut2 model, Journal of International Scientific Publications, ISSN: 1314-7269, Volume 10
- Kasaj.A, 2014, “Digitalization of the Notary Service in Albania: Initial results of the service digitalization”, The 2nd International Conference on “Research and Education – challenges toward the future”, Shkoder;
- Kasaj.A, 2015, “Dixhitalizimi i çështjeve gjyqësore në Shqipëri, një mundësi për transparencë reale dhe vlerësim ndaj gjyqësorit”, DSSH, Tiranë;
- Kasaj.A, 2016, “User adoption of mandatory e-government systems: notarial System in Albania, an empirical analyse”, CBU International Conference On Innovations In Science And Education, Prague, Czech Republic;
- • Kasaj.A, 2016, “Understanding students’ behaviour intention to use student’s portal in Albania”, The 5th Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas (ARSA-2016) Slovakia;
Activities / Projects:
• CONSUS, EuroPS; REBUS, IT Governance – Funded by European Union Erasmus + KA2 (2014-present) • Edufootprint – Funded by InterregMed Programme, European Commission (2014-present) • Kap’Eco – Funded by LevizAlbania (2014-present) • Member of the Management Board of Immovable Properties Registration Office (IPRO), by decision of Council of Minister no. 36, date 16.1.2013 • Project Manager in “improvement of bailiff electronic case management system (ALBIS)” (2012-2013) • Project Manager in “improvement of electronic Integrated court case management system (ICMIS)” (2011-2013) • Project Manager in “Albanian Notarial Service Digitalization” (2012-2013) • Trainer in “Computerized LMIS in district level”, JSI ALBANIA – USAID (2006) • Trainer in “Computerized LMIS in district level”, UNFPA. Training of health care system employees from 12 districts in computerized information system in district level. (2005) • Trainer in “Computerized LMIS in district level”, UNFPA. Training of health care system employees from 10 districts in computerized information system in district level. (2004) • Consultant in creating the “National Contraceptive Security Strategy”, JSI/TASC ALBANIA – USAID, approved by Ministry of Health in July 2003. (2003) Trainings / Certificates: • Trained and certified in ISO/IEC 27001:2005. Certificate No.: 040/ISMS/201 2 (September 2013) • “Public appreciation” for Electronic Portal of courts and the improvements of the electronic court case management system, by decision of Council of Minister no. 495, date 01.08.2012. (August 2012) • Training in Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), a process improvement training and appraisal program and service. (October 2011) • Training for Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. (February 2012) • Attended training for “Managing Federal Grants and the USAID Cooperative Agreement and MCHIP Program”, Cairo-Egypt, Certificate. (May 2009) • Attended 1 week training on “Global Finance Training”, Ethiopia, Certificate (August 2008)
Foreign languages:
Very good knowledge of English, French and Italian