The Career Advising Office aims to support students before, during and after their studies at EUT. It carries out a series of information activities, to present the university, its academic offer and student services to prospective students. Information and promotion activities include:
High schools tour
During the second semester (March-May period) EUT representatives, organized in small teams consisting of governing authorities, members of the academic staff, members of the Admissions Office and the PR Office, and students, visit high school institutions in Albania to introduce the graduates with the academic offer of the university.
Consultation before registration
The University provides prospective students with the information and advice needed to support applicants in understanding which study program meets their career goals and expectations and to explain everything related to study programs, academic opportunities and obligations, student services, tuition fees as well as admission. procedure and documents. Compared to what happens during high school tours, the counseling service that takes place during enrollment weeks is more intensive and tailored to the individual needs of applicants. Usually, applicants are accompanied by family members and appreciate the opportunity to talk in person with the professors and staff of the admissions office, to consult and evaluate the various options, to make a well-informed choice.
UET Tour / Open Days
This is an opportunity for prospective students to visit EUT and experience how it is to be part of it for one day. During their visit, high school graduates have a tour visit to EUT facilities, classrooms, library, etc. They may attend a lecture, seminar, conference, round table, or another activity of an educational-informative-entertaining nature, conducted in EUT, as well as meet with current EUT students. In addition, they have a meeting with the Dean of Students, organized as a question-and-answer session, in order to address their questions about student life at EUT.

Orientation Days
Before the official start of the new academic year, the university organizes orientation days. The agenda of the activity is published and the new students are invited to participate in some information sessions that introduce them to the university in general, the services it provides for them and who does what, its regulations, students' rights and duties, how they can . apply for an Erasmus mobility, for a scholarship, how to become part of student clubs and various activities at UET.
During their studies, students are offered support and advice on their career development opportunities, both for employment / internship and future study opportunities. Career counselors help students identify where to apply and prepare their respective applications. In collaboration with the five Faculties, the office helps organize two main activities that help students integrate into the job market:
Labor Fair
The Job Fair (Open Weeks) is organized every year in May and brings together several business companies and other institutions that present their employment opportunities to EUT students. Students can apply for job vacancies or internships. In recent years, EUT organizes a special Employment Fair for each Faculty, in order to increase the opportunities for students to contact the last year of studies with employers who are more closely related to their field of study.
HR Clubs
HR Clubs is an event organized every year, part of the 500+ Program. HR clubs are organized at the faculty level. Human Resource Managers from the largest companies in the country, with which UET has cooperation agreements, are invited to share with the university their expectations, challenges and needs in terms of human resource quality as one of the basic elements for the development of organizations. HR clubs take place during September. Through this activity, UET aims to gather information about the needs of the labor market and how the university can adapt its study programs to better respond to these needs. Also, this activity aims to intensify cooperation between departments and potential primary employer companies of their graduates.