Student council

The EUT Students’ Council is an independent student organization, which does not carry out political and economic activities. The Council promotes students’ participation and coordinates their representation in EUT governing bodies, research teaching units, as well as services. The Students’ Council is elected by student voting, in accordance with the legislation in force. The Students’ Council cannot be part of other political and unpolitical structures outside the university. The Students’ Council expresses opinions and recommendations to address problems of general interest, such as the curricula of study programs and teaching plans, regulations for teaching activities, students’ right to study, the quality of student services, and the organization of various cultural, artistic, and sports activities, etc. EUT logistically supports the Students’ Council and can sponsor their projects through the adoption of an annual fund. Representatives of the Students' Council at their first meeting vote to elect the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, and Secretary. The winner is elected by a simple majority of votes. Members of the Students’ Council are considered all students of Bachelor and Master programs. EUT as a private HEI is part of the organization of Students’ Councils at the national level.

Members of the Students’ Council 2021-2022

Chairman: Oriana Çekrezi

Deputy Chairman: Ambra Perhati

Secretary: Suada Brahimi

Alesia Hatillari
Alvi Thanasi
Ambra Perhati
Antonio Demiri
Arsen Caka
Dea Shehu
Deborah Mucolli
Denisa Ndoci
Dorjan Banushi
Edison Marku
Elisa Demiraj
Elisa Gjipi
Emi Lila
Enea Duro
Enkeled Leba
Erjon Gjoka
Ermal Hoxha
Ester Stefa
Eva Visha
Florian Mala
Franceska Heti
Gabriela Azizaj
Joan Mezini
Joluena Bici
Jona Lici
Katerina Dailani


Kejsi Zylalaj
Kevina Gjikondaj
Klaudia Sula
Klerisa Azuni
Krisa Caushi
Krisanta Berdufi
Manjola Hasani
Mardalena Preci
Margarita Xhaxho
Mario Lahi
Marsida Selita
Megi Muca
Nimela Pasha


Nina Bakalli
Olivija Musta
Orjald Debinja
Orjana Cekrezi
Rea Goga
Resti Haziraj
Ronaldinjo Canaj
Ronaldo Kuqja
Senad Galiqi
Sindi Bocova
Stela Kapo
Suada Brahimi
Valentina Boci