Info Day on Call for Pilots European University of Tirana

The info session was a subsequent activity of the Erasmus+ Day Event that took part in UET in 15th of October 2021. During this event, UET presented all active projects and KNOWHUB was also presented among other projects on the Call for pilots. Banner and the leaflets of the project were presented to students, local and international staff as well as stakeholders who present during the event.
Narrative description of the event:
The Info session for Call for Pilots at UET for Knowhub project was part of a series of activities within the Erasmus+ Day on 15th of October 2021.
Participants at the event were representative from the following institutions:
- UET academic staff involved in the project
- UET academic staff that wanted to learn about the project and the call in
- Erasmus+ National Office in Albania
- Businesses with whom the university collaborates
- Other University representatives from Tirana
- Students from UET
- The companies target by UET to cooperate through Knowhub
- International academic staff
The Info Session aimed at informing UET’s academic staff, students, and the businesses (all stakeholders present at the event) on the upcoming Call for Pilots, in the framework of the project KNOHUB, specifically, WP4.
The Activity leader, Dr. Ketrina Cabiri Mijo made the keynote speech to welcome the participants. The academic staff involved in the event, Dr. Agim Kasaj and the other project experts presented the objectives and results of the project and the details about the Pilot projects that will be implemented with enterprises per Commercialisation Hub including at least 3 plot projects. The event was followed with a series of comments, discussion from the stakeholders and project members.
During the info sesison, participants were introduced with the content and activities of Knowhub proejct and then focused specifically on Hub created at UET, and it’s aim for connecting with local companies and the role they can play in promoting the call and were informed on the benefits of such an activity. The experts of the project also mentioned the fact that the target will be to get enough projects to fill the Hub’s capacities until the end of the project and beyond, as well as t continue to engage business and students in further projects.
Also, other information shared with the participants in this info session was how entrepreneurial and innovation development activities are organised at UET, how we will work with the equipment of the HUB.