UET  aims to become an important center and national/regional reference point within the academic cooperation in higher education, research, publishing activity, and promotion of civic development and higher education values.
UET  aims to be an integral part of institutional university networks and structures within the framework of the South East European region, the European Union countries and beyond the OECD member countries.
UET aims at organizing and providing joint degrees with partner universities in the framework of certain academic programs of common interest.
UET  aims to include more academic and scientific development projects in the framework of European higher education projects, projects that above all target the development of academic staff, the mobility of faculties and students, the application of European quality standards, the organization of joint scientific conferences, academic publications by internationally renowned authors, equipment of teaching facilities and laboratories etc.
UET encourages a culture of knowledge sharing and horizontal links between HEIs, CSOs, research centers, government organizations and stakeholders. As such, UET strongly encourages the mobility of staff and students in the region, the European Union and beyond. In addition, UET supports staff turnover in Quadruple Helix domains, such as government, business, media and civil society.
On these principles, UET is very committed to internationalization of study programs, academic processes and staff development and research through internationalization opportunities.

In this regard, UET has successfully established the Office of Project Development and Partnerships in order to develop international projects, strategic partnerships and facilitate applications for research grants.

In this aspect of internationalization and networking for partnership development, UET has established the Next Europe network (download here) in order to bring together key universities in the Western Balkans as well as research centers in Europe with a research expertise and interest in region.


PhD. Ketrina Çabiri Mijo

The Office for Project Development and Partnerships,
European University of Tirana
St. “Xhanfize Keko”, Building 56
Tirana, Albania


UET tashmë po merr pjesë në projekte të financuara nga Komisioni Europian, si: Programi i të mësuarit gjatë gjithë jetës – Karrige Jean Monnet (për herë të parë në Shqipëri) LLP – Projekti Tempus (3 projekt Tempus i udhëhequr nga Universiteti i Grazit në Austri; Universiteti Koblenz në Gjermani dhe Universiteti Roehampton në MB) Erasmus Mundus – Sigma Agile (udhëhequr nga Universiteti i Varshavës në Poloni) Programi Evropian për Shkencën dhe Teknologjinë (COST) – pjesëmarrja në 7 Veprime COST në cilësinë e vendit jo-kosto; Erasmus + Veprimi kyç 1/Mobiliteti për nxënësit dhe stafin – Që nga viti 2015, UET ka bashkëpunuar në programet Erasmus + ICM Mobility me shumë partnerë. Disa nga partnerët përfshijnë: Universitetin e Uppsala, Universiteti Lappeenranta, Universiteti Malardalen, Universiteti Ludwigshafen, Universiteti Emden Leer, Universiteti i Valladolidit, Universiteti i Minho, Universiteti Obuda, Universiteti i Bolonjës, Roma 3, Universiteti L’Aquila, Universiteti Siauliai, UNIMED, Universiteti i Salzburgut, Universiteti i Pavias etj.
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