Project title: 

The Social Basis of Voting in Albania: The Influences of Structural Social Factors and Political Cleavages in Determining the Vote of the Albanian Electorate

About the project

The project aims to explain the political attitudes/behaviour of the electorate (the resident voting population) in Albania by analyzing the eventual impact of social structural factors / political cleavages on their electoral choices or their long-term identification with certain parties. The identification, measurement, and analysis in a systematic and integrated manner at a national level of a large number of variables components of the social structure and the political cleavages and their eventual impact on the electoral choices of the Albanian voters. The focus of the project will be on the influence (or not) of a series of long-term predispositions that can exert the components of the social structure of society and its political cleavages (that divides citizens on the basis of some determined lines such as the economic, historical, social, cultural ones) on the electoral choices of the Albanian voters (referring here only to the parliamentary elections). Also, this study project aims to generate an empirical (raw data) database for measuring social structural variables / political cleavages and that of political support (the partisanship) of the Albanian electorate for various political parties, and in this way, it will serve as a base for analysis/explanation for further studies that can be undertaken in this field by researchers of political science, sociology, various NGOs, etc. who can rely on them.

Project team

Project Objectives / Potential impacts

Project Status



This project is funded by National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI) of Albania

Time Frame

September 2023 – September 2024

Project title:

The logic of the functioning of political clientelism in the optics of the behaviors and expectations of Albanian citizens: An ethnographic exploration of the particularistic exchanges between citizens and politicians (brokers) in Tirana and Korça Regions

About the project

The project aims to explain the dispositional and practical aspects of the clientelistic behavior of Albanian citizens in the context of the habitus where they interact, emphasizing their embeddedness in the social structure of society and their routine character, which then expands and becomes more accentuated in the period before and during the electoral campaigns. The routine and daily character of clientelistic behaviors is an aspect that is best explained by anthropological and ethnographic research, which examines them as forms of typical social relations that characterize the interactions of members of society, with a specific focus on particularistic norms, reciprocity, inequality and up to the legitimization of political dominance. Since in the project we will undertake ethnographic (fieldwork analytical visits) research in 5-6 different sites within the Tirana and Korça regions, the focus of the research will be precisely on the study of the meaning of behaviors, incentives, justifications, and expectations that the citizens themselves have from their involvement in the exchanges of particularistic goods and services for political support, by pointing towards the existence of a clientelist habitus that generates a set of cognitive and political dispositions that push the citizens to accept (and legitimize) the clientelistic behaviors.

Project team

Project Objectives / Potential impacts

Project Status



This project is funded by Albanian-American Development Foundation, through the Institute of International Education.

Time Frame

December 2024 – May 2025

Project title:

Data Science in the Newsroom: Applications of Data Journalism in Higher Education Courses

About the project

There is a growing demand/pressure for HEI to bring multidisciplinary teaching and co-research in the fields of data science, informatics and digital media. Media and data literacy are not substantially promoted in the educational sector in Albania whereas there is a tremendous need for educational training and courses designed to the use, comprehension, and visualization of data in the newsrooms. Therefore, this project offers a new approach combining analytical and practical perspectives through methodologies of data processing and critical analysis. (A socio-technical perspective), It also introduces Master Level course modules in a new field such as Data Journalism and conducting relevant research, providing versatile teaching skills and developing new modules and participatory teaching material for students to practice media and digital skills. It also includes lab work: exploring statistical techniques to produce data-driven stories and digital media visualizations; the use of real life examples through various apps and videos; case studies and exercises for independent learning and projects by students; providing textbooks and recommended literature on data-journalism and data science: ordering and purchasing of the material, in order to identify, select and approve a list of publications that continues to evolve in this field.

Project team

Project Objectives / Potential impacts

Project Status



This project is funded by Albanian-American Development Foundation, through the Institute of International Education.

Time Frame

December 2024 – June 2025

Project title:

Promoting EU Standards of Media Freedom, Democracy and Self-regulation in Albania” (PROEUMEDAL)

About the project

This project’s focus is on the state of media self-regulation in Albania in line with the European perspective of the country. Despite a few initiatives, there is a lack of functional dialogue in this crucial issue between scholars, media actors, civil society, and state regulators, especially from within a strategic, well-researched and authoritative approach. This Jean Monnet Chair project will therefore contribute to the promotion of EU shared values of open dialogue and media freedom, with the university taking an active role in relation to diverse publics such as media players and civil society actors, state regulators and policymakers. The project combines cross-curricular teaching, joint research, and dissemination activities about the alignment of Albania with the EU standards and directives on media freedom, democracy, and self-regulation. Despite the development of the media industry in Albania and especially audio-visual broadcasting, their performance in terms of self-regulation in line with EU values and standards, is not effective nor adequately promoted. This project highlights the need to increase the transparency of media financing, including by revising legal requirements for public advertising, in line with European standards, as well as the improvement of the working conditions for journalists, in particular by strengthening the protection of Albanian journalists’ employment and social rights and ensuring a consistent application of the labor code, that are intrinsically related to the self-regulation prospect of the media.

Project team

Project Objectives / Potential impacts

Project Status



This project is funded by the European Commission.

Time Frame


Project title:

Regulating the media environment in the digital age: Research of innovative instruments and practices in line with EU standards

About the project

In relation to the EU Commission's recommendations on media freedom and pluralism, the project will analyze aspects of the economy and media ownership, including the tendency towards media concentration, as well as the EU legal instruments that are currently available to address the areas of media pluralism and media freedom in Albania. It will be based on research and policy studies from this perspective. This project aims to deepen cooperation with the Media Regulatory Authorities in Albania following EU directives, to further promote cooperation between representatives of higher education and media regulatory authorities to discuss media legislation, industry standards and the role of self-regulation to guarantee media freedom in Albania. Based on these needs and challenges that are essential for the functioning and stability of democracy in Albania, the aim of the project is to address the aspects of the effectiveness and implementation of the EU recommendations on media freedom and plurality to achieve professional standards in accordance with the country's European perspective. This proposed project will further contribute to the promotion of the common EU values of open dialogue and media freedom.

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Project Objectives / Potential impacts

Project Status



This project is funded by National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI) of Albania

Time Frame

2024 – 2026 (18 months)

Project title:

Assessment of Knowledge and Behaviors on Sexual Health of Albanian University Students - A National Study

About the project

This project will assess the current level of knowledge, perceptions and behaviors about sexual and reproductive health of Albanian university students in order to design appropriate Information-Education-Communication programs. Our study also aims to provide a baseline for the design of specific national policies and strategies (evidence base) and the monitoring and evaluation of various preventive interventions. This research will also help in understanding the gaps in knowledge and behaviors that affect the sexual health of young people, providing the basis for the creation of preventive interventions and programs related to reproductive and sexual health. The identification of sexual behavior patterns, factors influencing them, challenges and specific gaps in knowledge about sexuality will help to define priority areas in the design of more effective sex education policies and interventions for this target group in the Albanian context. The conclusions and recommendations of this study will contribute to the development of personalized national sex education strategies, in accordance with the local culture and context.

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Project Objectives / Potential impacts

Project Status



This project is funded by National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI), Albania

Time Frame

September 2024 – May 2025

Project title:

RE-ENGAGE: Re-Engaging with Neighbours in a State of War and Geopolitical Tensions

About the project

The “Re-Engaging with Neighbours in a State of War and Geopolitical Tensions” (RE-ENGAGE) project responds to the geopolitical changes caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. It focuses on strengthening the EU’s foreign policy and resilience against external threats, particularly hybrid warfare, through in-depth studies of six countries in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Neighbou rhood. The project aims to offer policy recommendations that help align these regions more closely with the EU, enhancing security and stability while preserving EU values. By analyzing the evolving challenges, RE-ENGAGE will contribute strategies for better countering hybrid threats and supporting the EU’s neighborhood policies.

Objektivat e projektit

Project Activities

Expected Results and Outcomes

Project Status



Horizon Europe (HORIZON-CL2-2023-DEMOCRACY-01)

Time Frame

36 months

Project Number


Overall Budget

EUR 2,982,125


Norway, Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Bulgaria, Sweden, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova