
  • Journal articles
Health and Society: A brief overview of journal articles summary
By, Prof. Asoc. Dr. Voltisa GJERGJI


In this issue of Medicus journal we collected articles which are focused on health patterns, health care and economy, as well as health behaviours. A study from Germany shows models of care for elderly people and the alternative policy strategies such as to stay at home with the help of live-in care. Another study reports on the attitudes (acceptability, preferences, and needs) of Albanian physiotherapists and the general population toward telerehabilitation. This cross-sectional observational study is conducted among the physiotherapists and the general population asking them about their experiences with telerehabilitation in physiotherapy in order to evaluate how recognized and applied is this field in Albania. (more…)
Challenges of becoming in need of care and promises of agencies for live-in care in Germany
By, Prof. Dr. Kerstin WÜSTNER


There are different models of care for elderly people in Germany. Policy strategies provide support, but this is weak for some models, such as live-in care. The latter is an option to stay at home with the help of live-in care. There is no public support for this model, so individuals have to organise it themselves or refer to offers from live-in care agencies that provide carers. (more…)
Adopting Telerehabilitation in Albania: Evaluating Acceptance, Preferences, and Impediments Among Physiotherapists and the Public
By, Dr. Sc. (c) Iva RRUGIA, PhD Jasemin TODRI, Aden GRIPSHI


Background: COVID introduced a new approach to healthcare services. The pandemic showed that the need to rely on online services is very significant. Tele-rehabilitation, as the delivery of rehabilitation services via information and communication technologies, is a well-known concept for developed countries but not for Albania. Objective: To investigate (more…)
Assessment of the incidence and prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis in the District of Elbasan for the period 2011-2021
By, MD Armida HIDA


Introduction: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune and chronic disease. Worldwide, the annual incidence of RA is 1%. Epidemiological data for Albania are similar to other countries, still some districts might be more affected. There are no previous studies in the population indicating the prevalence or incidence of rheumatoid arthritis in the Elbasan district. (more…)
Pneumomediastinum as a primary manifestation of COVID-19: A case report
By, MD Esi DUKA, Prof. Dr. Najada COMO, Dr. Sc. Esmeralda META


Introduction: Pneumomediastinum is a rare complication that occurs in patients with Pneumonia caused by COVID-19 and is more frequent in patients with ARDS that may or may not be related to the use of invasive mechanical ventilation. Pneumomediastinum is an indicator of clinical deterioration with potentially threatening consequences for the patient. (more…)
Literature review of Alzheimer’s disease aetiology
By, Assoc. Prof. Hafez AL-MOMANI


Introduction: The most prevalent neurodegenerative illness and kind of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It shows up as a reduction in short-term memory and cognitive function that affects day-to-day functioning. The majority of Alzheimer’s cases are idiopathic, but a tiny percentage of hereditary instances provide gene identification, which when (more…)
Exploring Cognitive Dysfunction as a Secondary Effect of Kidney Disease: Unveiling the Kidney-Brain Interconnection. A Literature Review
By, Dr. Sc. (c) Vilma ÇADRI, Prof. Asoc. Dr. Ariana STRAKOSHA, Dr. Sc. Nevi PASKO, Dr. Sc. Elvana RISTA


Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is increasingly recognized as a systemic condition affecting not only renal function but also various extra-renal systems, including the central nervous system. Cognitive impairment (CI) has emerged as a significant concern in CKD patients, manifesting as a spectrum ranging from mild cognitive deficits to clinically (more…)

Published by: European University of Tirana