- by Gersi Mirashi
- February 24, 2023
Hate Speech and its Impact on Albanian Youth
by, Msc. Xhois KUTA
Background: The main topic of this scientific paper is based on what hate speech is, and how it affects young Albanians. The main problem raised in this paper is how hate speech is not much talked about in our everyday lives, and how young people do not have enough information about different examples of hate speech in their everyday lives and therefore not being aware how this can affect their mental health and emotional well – being. Purpose: The hypothesis that this scientific paper is based on is how today’s society faces a current situation of co-existence, where there is a lack of information on hate speech, and how young people (students) do not know how to identify what can be considered hate speech or not. Method: The theoretical basis of this scientific paper focuses on relevant literature, studies conducted on this topic from all over the world, as well as previous studies focused on Albania, with relevant references. This paper contains the main study conducted by the author, a survey named “Hate speech and its effect on emotional Well-being” with open and closed questions, the data of which have been analyzed and interpreted. Conclusion: The creation of new platforms where young people can be informed about hate speech, report experiences is a necessary need.
How to cite: Kute, X. (2023). Hate speech and its impact on Albanian youth. Polis, 22(1), 118–131.
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