- by Gersi Mirashi
- February 3, 2023
Production of electrical energy from renewable sources of energy in Albania
by, Prof. Dr. Angjelin SHTJEFNI, MSc. Hasimin KEÇI
Nowadays the issue of energy is becoming more and more discussed in the public. In the academic system this topic is getting more and attention than before. And this the right thing. In the Republic of Albania, we are passing through an energetical crisis. We produce the electrical energy using water resources. This indicates that we depend on a lot of form weather conditions. During the end of fall and during the winter we produce electrical energy more than we need and we sell it with lower prices, from the other side during the spring and summer, due to the drought, we cannot produce the necessary electrical energy that we need. As a result, to fulfill the needs of the country, we are obliged to buy the electrical energy that we need with a higher price than we sell it. And we are now talking about the best case: the case that we have a good situation of rainfalls. But do we have other opportunities to produce electrical energy form other sources? Of course, we have. Due to its geographical position and climate, Albania has a lot of opportunities to produce the energy that it needs using other renewable energy sources as: sun, wind, and geothermal sources. In this study I am going to give a panorama of our needs for energy. In this study I am going to present where can we produce energy from these sources. I am also going to present also other opportunities of building new plants to produce energy using water and how can we produce more energy combining two sources like for example water and sun. Generally to heat buildings we use conventional sources of energy (coal, gas or diesel). Instead of these sources, we can use renewable sources of energy. I am going to compare the costs for the heating of different buildings using diesel from one side and solar panels and geothermal sources from the other side.
How to cite: Shtjefni, A., & Keçi, H. (2022). Production of electrical energy from renewable sources of energy in Albania. Ingenious, 2(1), 114–126.
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